- This is for vue.js projects, which is amazing and full of magic.
- Install
via the commandnpm install -g vue-cli
- Create
vue app
via the commandvue create project-name
, then select the relevant configuration. - If you want to create the default project, then the command is
vue create project-name --default
- The 1st input sample with bootstrap, including Button, Text, Password, File, Checkox, Color, Date, Datetime, Email, Radio, Range, Submit, Url and Month.
- Add text color, background color, badge and breadcrumb sample.
- Will continue to update more...
- This sample is for data binding, which including data, computed, methods and filter properties.
- Add directives: v-text, v-html, v-if, v-else, v-else-if, v-show, v-on data binding test.
- Add v-for directive, table, button component, array property and even click event.
- This sample is for event handling. e.g. click, mousedown, mousemove, mouseleave, keydown.
- This sample is for model binding ( one-way & two-way) or handling. e.g. form-check, form-control. form-group.
- Add watch property.
- This sample is for data or attributes delivery between different pages.
- Add child 1 and child 2 component.
- Add the emit and props property.
- Add slot (named) operation.
- Add product display component.
- This sample is for vue applicaiton lifecycle.
- The vue applicaiton lifecycle includes: before create, created, before mount, mounted, before update, updated, activated, deactivated, before destroy, destroyed and error captured.
- This sample is for a simple product application.
- Add product editor.
- This sample is based on Product Sample, and adding new feature to get data via REST API.
- This sample is based on Product Data Sample, and adding new feature implemented via Vuex.
- This sample is based on Product Vuex sample, and add new feature for dyanamic display component.
- This sample is based on Product Dynamic sample, add new feature implemented via Vue-Router.
- This sample is based on Product Router sample, add new feature on Url routing.
- This sample is for transitions feature.
- This sample is for extending vue features.