- This repo is primary for Azure Cosmos DB, which includes Web App (AdsDashboard, azure-cosmosDB-dotnet, mongdb-dotnet, quickstartcore), console app (table-dotnet) and maven project (document-spring).
- This web app is developed by .net framework.
- You should create the Azure Cosmos DB with Gremlin (graph) first.
- Copy the url & key or connectionstring from the cosmos graph database created above.
- Replace "endpoint", "authkey", "database" and "collection" with your real keys in Web.config.
- Run this sample via Visual Studio 2017.
- This web app is developed by .net framework.
- You should create the Azure Cosmos DB with SQL API first.
- Copy the url & key or connectionstring from the cosmos graph database created above.
- Replace "endpoint", "authkey", "database" and "collection" with your real keys in Web.config.
- Run this sample via Visual Studio 2017.
- This maven project is developed by spring boot.
- You should create the Azure Cosmos DB with SQL API first.
- Copy the url & key or connectionstring from the cosmos graph database created above.
- Replace "endpoint", "authkey", "database" and "collection" with your real keys in application.properties.
- Run this sample via the follwing command.
mvn package
java -jar target/cosmosdb-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Note:
You should setup the maven development environment first.
- This web app is developed by .net framework.
- You should create the Azure Cosmos DB with MongoDB API first.
- Copy the url & key or connectionstring from the cosmos graph database created above.
- Replace "DefaultConnection" with your real keys in Web.config.
- Run this sample via Visual Studio 2017.
- This web app is developed by .net core.
- You should create the Azure Cosmos DB with SQL API first.
- Copy the url & key or connectionstring from the cosmos graph database created above.
- Replace "endpoint", "authkey", "database" and "collection" with your real keys in DocumentDBRepository.cs.
- Run this sample via Visual Studio 2017.
- This console app is developed by .net core.
- You should create the Azure Cosmos DB with table API first.
- Copy the url & key or connectionstring from the cosmos graph database created above.
- Replace "StandardStorageConnectionString" with your real keys in App.config.
- Run this sample via Visual Studio 2017.