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Externally control the frontend of a system running Extron Control Script


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Externally control the frontend and hardware of a system running Extron ControlScript®

Not affiliated with Extron

Use Cases

This project can be used to entirely replace the 'backend' (logic, device handling, external connections) on a control system running Extron Control Script (ECS). This project only uses the standard libraries that come with 'Pro' (non-xi) control processors so it is backwards compatible with anything that can run ECS, including old IPCP and IPL Pro processors. (basic proof-of-concept project here

Physical ports such as relays, serial ports and devices on a processors AVLAN are also supported.

Additionally, this project gives CLI-like control over the processor and connected devices. You can use curl to test and demo GUI's, set relays, and test communications with devices connected over serial or on the processors AVLAN.


Use modern Python, Go, Rust, C#, Java, Javascript, NodeRed or basically any modern language as a backend and extend the useful life and capibility of your hardware.

Additionally, the process of deploying a system using ControlScript® Deployment Utility (CSDU) is cumbersome. It is a manual process that can only deploy to one room at a time and breaks any hope of a CI/CD pipeline, continuous improvement, and makes minor bugfixes painful if you have a shared codebase. By using this project, you only have to use CSDU once, or whenever your GUI file changes.

Compatible Devices

Anything that can run Extron ControlScript®. You'll need someone who holds the Extron Authorized Programmer cert to initially push the files.

Current State

IMPORTANT: Branch Beta is the latest stable release and is essentially feature-complete, as in it is ready to start converting the vast majority of projects. If you find something that you need missing you can submit an issue or send a pull request.

Branch main is the current beta development branch and may not be 100% stable at all times. You can find features to be implemented and a milestone for the 1.0 release in Github Issues.

I ask that if you use this project and find a way to make it better, please consider sending pull requests to make this project better for everyone.


Deployment is mostly unchanged from the normal process, but please pay attention to how devices and elements need to be instantiated.

  1. As normal, place your .gdl file in layout then setup your room configuration JSON file, but make note of the Device Alias's you assign to processors and UI Devices (touch panels).

  2. Write the config.json file from this project to the root of your processor. This file contains the address for your backend server and NTP server coniguration.

  3. Instantiate your hardware into the existing lists using the Device Aliases from step 1 into the src/hardware/ file. Example

# src/hardware/
from extronlib.device import ProcessorDevice, UIDevice, eBUSDevice

all_ui_devices = [

all_processors = [
  1. Instantiate your GUI elements into the existing lists in their respective files in the gui_elements folder. Use the names that are assigned to these elements in your GUI Designer file.


# src/gui_elements/

from extronlib.ui import Button
from hardware import all_ui_devices

tlp1 = all_ui_devices[0]
tlp2 = all_ui_devices[1]

all_buttons = [
    Button(tlp1, "Btn_Con_Projector"),
    Button(tlp1, "Btn_Proj_Power"),
    Button(tlp2, "Btn_Diagnostic"),

Note: If you are converting an existing project, you can use the included script to automatically populate the above lists from your old files.

  1. If you need to use any relay, serial, or AVLAN devices, run on a PC. This provides you with a graphical interface and an easy way to add devices and export the resulting JSON file.


  1. Deploy as normal using CSDU. Re-deploy if you update your GUI Designer File or if you change hardware.


New Control Architecture

There are two major systems that allow fast responsiveness and extensive control over the GUI.

  1. A custom built Remote Procedure Call (RPC) API listening on a port of your choosing. This API will accept unsolicited commands. Currently you can send GUI action commands such as page flips, set text on labels, and all of the common tasks one would use for making a responsive GUI. This API can be controlled from a server or you can even send commands through curl. Additionally, you can use this API to get the properties of your processors, touch panels, GUI elements or even send reboot commands.

  2. User actions, such as button presses, are sent to an external server using REST POST commands for external procesisng. For extra responsiveness, the replies to these POST's can include commands for immidate execution. A great example is if a user presses a power toggle button, the reply can tell the touch panel to update the state of that button immidately, even before any commands are sent to external devices.

RPC Structure

The RPC API is structured as such:

  • Domain (type)
  • Object
  • Function
  • Function Params (up to 3, sometimes optional)

For simplicity sake all JSON values are strings. The API will type convert appropriately.

Due to limitations in the built-in server library, the RPC API runs HTTP 0.9. Unfortunately that means that the current version of Postman will not work for API testing.

The API has been made to mirror existing methods as close as possible. The paramaters in the form of arg1, arg2, arg3 are simply paramaters that need to be passed to the control script function. The ControlScript® Documentation document provided by Extron will prove helpful in determing how to use the RPC API.

Domains (or types) are derived from their Extron classes

  • ProcessorDevice
  • UIDevice
  • Button
  • Knob
  • Label
  • Level
  • Slider
  • RelayInterface
  • SerialInterface
  • EthernetClientInterface (intended for AVLAN)

"Objects" are objects that fall in any of the above classes

There is a name/alias to object retrevial system where passing in the string representation of the object will return the object

  • For processors and touch panels, pass in their Device Alias as setup in your standard room configuration JSON file.

  • If you configured any physical ports or EthernetClientInterfaces, use the alias (friendly name) that you set in the port instantiation tool.

  • All other objects are referenced by their names that are set in GUI designer.

Most functions are derived from Extron Class methods

For example, the Label class has a method called SetText. You would call SetText as the function in the API.

Additional functions which have been added

Hint: Built-in documented ECS functionality uses the same PascalCase as written by Extron ( while their undocumented private methods that we use often are in _camelCase). Additional methods, macros or properties which are origional to this project use PEP8 snake_case.

  • get_property with the property name as arg1 will return the property of an object. Available properties of an object are found in Extron ControlScript® documentation.

    • Note the undocumented "private" properties of UIDevice class below can prove helpful

      • _pages returns a dictionary of {"PageID":"PageName",} for the .gdl file
      • _popups returns a dictionary of dictionaries with all the attributes of the systems popups
      • _currPage returns the ID of the current page shown. Use _pages to find the name of the page if needed
      • _visiblePopups returns a tuple of ('I', [list of popup id's]). As with pages, you can corelate the results of _popups with the ID to find the name of the popup.

      Example to return the current page of a UI device with DeviceAlias of "TouchPanel_1":

          "type": "UIDevice",
          "object": "TouchPanel_1",
          "function": "get_property",
          "arg1": "_currPage"
  • get_all_elements with no additional arguments will return names of all objects in the system, including processors, UI devices, buttons, sliders, popups, etc.

    {"type": "get_all_elements"}
  • set_backend_server will change the backend server that the processor sends user interactions to. This is only intended to be used in case of server failure or temporary migration as the processor will try servers in the config.json first (and will fall back to the config.json servers upon processor reboot or power failure). Example:

    {"type": "set_backend_server", "ip": ""}
  • program_log_saver: written by Jean-Luc Rioux, will continually write your program log to disk when enabled. The feature is disabled by default unless you specify "log_to_disk": true" in config.json or use the RPC API:

    {"type": "program_log_saver", "enabled": "true"}

RPC API Examples

Note: You can also pass in a list [] of JSON and the processor will execute the commands in series and return the results in the same order. This is more resource efficcent when several commands or queries need to be executed at the same time.

To set a button called Btn_Power to a state of 1, you would use the following command structure:

    "type": "Button",
    "object": "Btn_Power",
    "function": "SetState",
    "arg1": "1"

(Here's a example of how you can use curl in Bash or PowerShell for this command)

curl --http0.9 -X POST --data '{"type": "Button", "object": "Btn_Power", "function": "SetState", "arg1": "1"}'

To get the state of that same button:

    "type": "Button",
    "object": "Btn_Power",
    "function": "get_property",
    "arg1": "State"

To show a popup called Popup1 for 5 seconds. (Alternatively not including arg1 will default to the popup staying indefinetly, as documented)

    "type": "UIDevice",
    "object": "TouchPanel_1",
    "function": "ShowPopup",
    "arg1": "Popup1",
    "arg2": "5"

To set buttons called to a medium blink from state 1 to state 2. In this case arg1 coresponds to the methods rate paramater and arg2 is the state_list. The processor will execute both commands in series since they are passed in as a list.

        "type": "Button",
        "object": "Btn_1",
        "function": "SetBlinking",
        "arg1": "Medium",
        "arg2": "[1,2]"
        "type": "Button",
        "object": "Btn_2",
        "function": "SetBlinking",
        "arg1": "Medium",
        "arg2": "[1,2]"


RPC API Return Values

The RPC API server only runs HTTP 0.9, so we embed HTTP status codes in the response body. If the response body includes data, the status code and data will be seperated by a pipe [200 OK | <data here if any>].

The response from the processor is always in the form of a list. If a list of commands was sent to the processor, a list of results will be returned in the same order. (Command execution by list is blocking, and the return message will include the results of all of the actions at once once after all of them have been completed, so be careful for any commands that may cause an issue!)

REST API Structure

The processor will send user interaction events with the following structure:

  • Name (of the object)
  • Action
  • Value

For example, when a button called Btn_1 is pressed, the processor will send:

    "name": "Btn_1",
    "action": "pressed",
    "value": "1"

Where value is the current button visual state.

This data will be sent to domain endpoints on the backend server. http://<yourServer>:<yourPort>/api/v1/<domain>


The processor will then wait for an immidate reply, which could be instructions to set that same button to a state of 0 so the user has immidate feedback. This is especially important for sliders so they don't 'bounce' back to their old state upon release.

Known Issues

All issues and the roadmap for future releases is in the Github issue tracker.


Q: Wouldn't the GUI update slower vs writing the logic on the local processor since it has to contact an external server over the network then wait for a reply?

A: Unless your network is awfuly slow, the user will not notice. You have to remember that when it comes to languages you can't get much slower than Python. Even though you add in network latency, the processing can be exponentially faster if using a modern language like Go. If you're using a new Q xi procesor running Python 3.11, and a backend server running the same version of Python, there should be no noticeable difference to the user as the typical network latency on a LAN will be sub 10ms, which is much faster than your typical webpage. Additinally, the processor is greatly unburdened and on some systems decoupling the backend will result in significant performance improvements and faster GUI responsiveness since the processor is only handling the GUI and the API's.

Q: What if the backend server goes down or the processor loses connectivity to it?

A: Well then the system breaks and the touch panel will appear 'frozen'. This project comes with a primary and secondary backend server configuration and ability to specify a custom address out of the box, but you can implement your own failover and high-availability architecture as it best fits your needs.

Q: Will Extron support this?

A: Probably not. Please do not contact their support for help, I'm hoping this system will reduce support calls for them. When it comes to building a backend server, absloute freedom comes with the responsibility for fixing things yourself.

Q: Will you post an example of a backend server?

A: Yes, see the link at the top of this readme.

Q: What about device drivers and modules?

A: The backend server i'm writing intends to use Go Microservices from for device handling. If your equipment is not yet supported, please consider writing a microservice and contributing it to the group.

Q: What about devices on AVLAN or devices that the backend server can't reach?

A: Those are supported the same as serial devices and relays. Technically you can use the processor as a proxy to all ethernet devices but it's recommended that the backend server handles as many devices that it can communicate with directly.

AVLAN Device Control over SSH Example

The below is an example of how to control devices that are connected to a processors isolated AVLAN network. This example is similar to how you would use serial devices connected to the processor as well.

First, instantiate your devices by using on a PC. (The below JSON from our test device is exported from the helper script to the processor as shown below. The processor will then read and instantiate these devices for us)

# creates this JSON and exports it to the processor as `/ports.json`
    "Hostname": "test-IN1804",
    "IPPort": "22023",
    "Username": "admin",
    "Password": "your_password",
    "Class": "EthernetClientInterface",
    "Protocol": "SSH"

Then we'll need to connect to the device. If you are connecting to an Extron device the authentication should be handled in the background for you upon sending the Connect command.

    "type": "EthernetClientInterface",
    "object": "test-IN1804",
    "function": "Connect",

Optionally, if you would like to keep the connection alive, you can use StartKeepAlive where arg1 is the keepalive interval and arg2 is the data to send. For example, we'll query the firmware version every 5 seconds as our keepalive.

    "type": "EthernetClientInterface",
    "object": "test-IN1804",
    "function": "StartKeepAlive",
    "arg1": "5",
    "arg2": "Q\n"

After we're connected, we can start sending commands. We'll use the SendAndWait method to change the input of the 1804 to input 2. arg1 is the data to send and arg2 is the timeout period.

    "type": "EthernetClientInterface",
    "object": "test-IN1804",
    "function": "SendAndWait",
    "arg1": "2!\n",
    "arg2": "1"

If you're having issues, make sure your connection was successfull and you are using the correct hostname (If you used an IP, the "Hostname" is the IP address without the port number). You can check that by looking at all elements.

    "type": "get_all_elements"

That will return the connection information under all_ethernet_interfaces like such (our hostname is "test-1804"):

    ...<other data>
    "all_ethernet_interfaces": "{'test-1804': EthernetClient test-1804:22023 - :SSH Connected}",


Not affilated with Extron. All registered trademarks noted are property of Extron, and I may have missed some but those would also be property of Extron.


Externally control the frontend of a system running Extron Control Script







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