Lem-in is an algorithm project, where ants have to go the fastest as posible from start-room to end-room.
This is an home-made algorithm.
I check all possible paths and compare them to select the best paths.
This can take a lot of time on big maps.
To reduce the calculation time, I eliminated some paths (useless, dead-end, ...).
10 // ants number
1 250 150 // Room name (1) and it's X-Y coordonates
2 550 150
3 550 450
##start // Next room will be start room
4 250 450
##end // Next room will be end room
5 850 450
6 850 150
1-2 // Relations between rooms. Room 1 and 2 are linked
L1-2 L2-3 // Turn 1 : ant number 1 go to room 2. Ant number 2 go to room 3
L1-5 L3-2 L2-5 L4-3
L3-5 L5-2 L4-5 L6-3
L5-5 L7-2 L6-5 L8-3
L7-5 L9-2 L8-5 L10-3
L9-5 L10-5
Here is an example of what can be achieved with this algorithm and the visualizer :
You can also see a short video of 4 different maps by clicking here :
brew install SDL2
brew install SDL2_ttf
brew install SDL2_image
If brew isn't installed, compile the project with the sources (don't forget to change the Makefile).
Standard mode :
./lem-in < [map]
Visualizer mode :
./lem-in < [map] | ./visu
You can add 2 special rooms :
- One containing a Snorlax. Ants can't go this way, it's blocked !
- An other containing lava. Ants can't go this way, it burns !
You can run a visualizer to see you ants moving. Here are the commands :
- right key : see next turn
- r : reinitialize the anthill
- '+' or '-' : change your ants speed
- esc : escape the visualizer
./lem-in -d < [map]
This allows two things :
- When an arror occurs trying to launch a map, it will write the exact error on the stderr instead of "ERROR"
- Lauching a map, it will give more info about the map and the algorithm (number of ants, rooms, pipes, all possible paths, chosen paths, relations between rooms, ...)
./graph.sh [map]
This will generate a png of the anthill, with all rooms and their relations. It is usefull to see the compisition of the anthill without writing good coordonates for the visualizer.
Example of png that can be generated :
This will launch a script testing the parsing. This is usefull to test all sort of maps with errors (no ants, no start room, anthill with no solutions, ...).
125/100 (Full bonus)