In this paper, we present an innovative arithmetic formulation that captures the essence of Boolean Satisfiability (SAT). By representing Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) clauses through binary and arithmetic expressions, we establish a novel equivalence that bridges logical operations with numerical computations. This framework not only provides deeper insights into SAT problems but also offers potential computational advantages.
Boolean satisfiability is a fundamental problem in computer science, involving the determination of whether there exists an assignment to boolean variables such that a given Boolean formula evaluates to true. Typically expressed in CNF, these formulas consist of conjunctions of disjunctions (clauses) of literals. We introduce an arithmetic representation for these clauses, facilitating analysis through binary and power-of-two operations.
We propose the following theorem as a foundational result:
The proof begins by interpreting CNF clauses through binary arithmetic. A CNF clause is false if all its literals are false, which can be encoded as a binary number where true values map to 0 and false values to 1. For a set of variables
Each CNF clause can be represented by summing over powers of two corresponding to the positions of true literals in its assignment. This transformation allows us to express the satisfaction condition of a CNF formula as an arithmetic summation:
This sum captures all satisfying assignments for the entire CNF formula, where each term corresponds to a clause being true under a particular assignment.
A balanced CNF formula is one in which every variable appears an equal number of times in both positive and negative forms. For instance:
In this example, each variable (A) and (B) appears once positively and once negatively, illustrating balance.
This arithmetic representation of SAT provides a novel perspective on the problem, potentially enabling new algorithmic approaches. By translating logical conditions into numerical operations, we can leverage existing mathematical tools to analyze and solve SAT instances more efficiently.
The equivalence established between CNF clauses and their arithmetic counterparts offers a promising avenue for further research in satisfiability problems. This framework not only enriches our theoretical understanding but also opens up possibilities for practical advancements in solving complex Boolean formulas.
Future work will focus on exploring computational optimizations and extending this approach to other logical frameworks beyond CNF.
def bits(n, p):
s = []
while n:
s = [n % 2 == 0] + s
n //= 2
s = (p - len(s)) * [True] + s
return s
def sat_equation(cnf, n):
sat = 0
for j in range(len(cnf)):
v = 0
for i in range(n):
v += int(cnf[j][n - 1 - i] > 0) * 2 ** i # int(cnf[j][n - 1 - i] > 0) << i -> for increase the performance.
sat += 2 ** v # sat |= 1 << v -> for increase the performance.
return sat
if __name__ == '__main__':
cnf = [(1, -2, 3), (1, -2, -3), (-1, 2, -3)]
n = 3
print(bits(sat_equation(cnf, n), 2 ** n))
a b c value
False False False True
False False True True
False True False False
False True True False
True False False True
True False True False
True True False True
True True True True