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Releases: mattlewis92/angular-bootstrap-calendar
Releases · mattlewis92/angular-bootstrap-calendar
- Option to specify an instance by instance month cell templates via attributes passed to the calendar (#142)
- Add
to the day view (#135) - Add an option to display end times on the calendar (#132)
- Display the week number on mouseover of the month cell weeks (#130)
Breaking changes:
- The default calendar month cell template names have changed. To migrate either use the new attributes for specifying custom template urls or just rename the templates from
- Build the entire calendar with webpack. Consequently the module is now exportable via common.js, amd and as a standalone script (#103)
- Fix for the auto-open attribute not always auto opening when the events or day changes (#106)
Breaking changes
- All directives templates are now inlined. Before templateUrl was used to set the template, but now the template property is. This only affects people using custom templates. To migrate use a decorator to delete the template and re-add the templateUrl to whatever your custom template is loaded as.
- Add the cell-modifier option to add finer control over how the year and month view cells are rendered #94
- Allow events on the week and day view to be resized #97
Breaking changes
- The on-event-drop attribute has been renamed to on-event-times-changed
- An event must now have the draggable property set to true in order to be draggable
See the readme for instructions on how to use the new features.
- Show all events on the month view even they're not in the current month #85
- Allow recurring events #86
- Ensure angular 1.4 compatibility #87
- Make endsAt optional on events #88
- Allow events to be dragged and dropped #70
- Allow angular or moment to be used to format dates #91
- Experimental week view that shows times as well. The major caveat is that end times are ignored. This is disabled by default.
- Allow html in event titles
Breaking changes:
- Angular is now used by default for formatting all dates. You can revert to the previous behaviour to use moment for formatting dates by setting
This is a bug fix release. See the commits for what was fixed.
This release contains lots of breaking changes and paves the way for a stable version 1.0.
Breaking changes
- Attributes have been renamed. To migrate simply drop the calendar- prefix
- The starts_at and ends_at event properties have been renamed to startsAt and endsAt
- The template paths have been changed (only affects users who were overriding the templates). They are now in src/templates. Also main.html has been renamed to calendar.html, day.html to calendarDay.html, week.html to calendarWeek.html, month to calendarMonth.html and year to calendarYear.html
- The calendar-control attribute has been removed. From now on use the new view-title attribute for getting the title, and use the new mwl-date-modifier directive for the prev() and next() functions that existed before.
- The following attributes have been renamed: event-click -> on-event-click, edit-event-click -> on-edit-event-click, delete-event-click -> on-delete-event-click, timespan-click -> on-timespan-click
- The drill down functionality can now be disabled by returning false from the new on-drill-down-click expression rather than the timespan click expression.
- The calendarConfig provider methods have been renamed like so: configureDateFormats -> setDateFormats and configureTitleFormats -> setTitleFormats
- The use-iso-week attribute has been removed. From now on you should always set the option in moment instead:
moment.locale('en', {
week : {
dow : 1 // Monday is the first day of the week
}); - The week-title-label, event-label and time-label attributes have been removed. You can configure them in the calendarConfigProvider instead.
- _Breaking change_ - The variables passed back to calendar-event-click, calendar-edit-event-click, calendar-delete-event-click and calendar-timespan-click expressions have been renamed. $event has changed to calendarEvent and $date has been renamed calendarDate to prevent collisions
- Additional past and future helper classes are applied to days in the month view
- Return false from the calendar-timespan-click function to disable the drilldown
- Stopped the slidedown box from being hidden when mousing over an event
- Fixes for events being hidden on the week view when using the iso week option
- Configurable event count badge number
- Use moment.js for all date formatting
- All dates used throughout the calendar can now have their formats configured from the calendarConfigProvider
- Added a time split option for how big the day view hours are
- Performance boosts when changing calendar view.
- Made ui-bootstrap an optional dependency
- Lots of internal refactoring to improve the quality of the code
-Add a notice when the calendar view variable is not set
-Proper i18n support
-Auto refresh the locale of the calendar when it changes
-Bug fix the sliding panel not closing when another day on the day row is clicked
-Show the total events on the month view (can be hidden with CSS if you don't want it)
-Configurable day view start and end hours (the default is now to display the full day)