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D Support for Visual Studio Code

NOTICE: As this extension is not longer under active development it is suggested to migrate to a much more

active project like vscode-dls

and code-d

Build Status (Linux) Build Status (Windows) Dependency Status codecov

D Language Page:


  • Syntax Colorization
  • Snippets
  • Autocompletion and code navigation using DCD
  • Formatting using DFMT
  • Linting using Dscanner with code actions for quick check disabling and automatic fixing for :
    • Deprecated alias syntax
    • Deprecated use of delete
    • Imports not being sorted
  • Code upgrade using Dfix
  • Profiling using D Profile Viewer
  • Integration with Dub using VSCode commands and tasks
  • Dustmite integration

In order to use DCD, dfmt, Dscanner, dfix and D Profile Viewer you must have Dub installed on your system. Dub will then fetch, build and use the packages automatically.

Though this extension lacks a debugger integration, debugging can easily be done using the general purpose Debug extension. After creating a debug configuration and the default dub tasks, simply change the name of the executable and add "preLaunchTask": "build" to build the project when debugging.

Extension Settings

  • d.dmdConf.linux: Path to the dmd configuration file on Linux. Default value: /etc/dmd.conf
  • d.dmdConf.osx: Path to the dmd configuration file on OS X. Default value: /usr/local/etc/dmd.conf
  • Path to the dmd configuration file on Windows. Default value: C:\\D\\dmd2\\windows\\bin\\sc.ini
  • Whether DCD is used or not. Default value: true
  • Whether DFMT is used or not. Default value: true
  • Whether Dscanner is used or not. Default value: true
  • Whether Dfix is used or not. Default value: true
  • Whether D Profile Viewer is used or not. Default value: true
  • Path to the dub executable. Default value: dub
  • Path to the system DCD client executable (optional).
  • Path to the system DCD server executable (optional).
  • Path to the system DFMT executable (optional).
  • Path to the system Dscanner executable (optional).
  • Path to the system Dfix executable (optional).
  • d.dub.compiler: The compiler used by dub when compiling other tools. Possible values:
    • dmd [default]
    • ldc2
    • gdc
  • Path to the system D Profile Viewer executable (optional).
  • d.dcd.compiler: The compiler used by dub when compiling DCD. Possible values:
    • dmd
    • ldc2
    • gdc
  • d.dcd.tcp: Listen on a TCP socket instead of a UNIX domain socket. This switch has no effect on Windows. Default value: false
  • d.dcd.port: Listens on this port instead of the default port 9166 when TCP sockets are used. Default value: 9166
  • d.dcd.imports: An array of paths that DCD should import on launch. Default value: []
  • d.dfmt.compiler: The compiler used by dub when compiling DFMT. Possible values:
    • dmd
    • ldc2
    • gdc
  • d.dfmt.alignSwitchStatements: Align labels, cases, and defaults with their enclosing switch. Default value: true
  • d.dfmt.braceStyle: Denotes the style for using curly braces in code blocks. Possible values:
    • allman [default]
    • otbs
    • stroustrup
  • d.dfmt.endOfLine: Line ending file format. Possible values:
    • lf [default]
    • cr
    • crlf
  • d.dfmt.softMaxLineLength: The formatting process will usually keep lines below this length. Default value: 80
  • d.dfmt.maxLineLength: Forces hard line wrapping after the amount of characters specified. Default value: 120
  • d.dfmt.outdentAttributes: Decrease the indentation level of attributes. Default value: true
  • d.dfmt.spaceAfterCast: Insert space after the closing parenthesis of a cast expression. Default value: true
  • d.dfmt.selectiveImportSpace: Insert space after the module name and before the ':' for selective imports. Default value: true
  • d.dfmt.splitOperatorAtLineEnd: Place operators on the end of the previous line when splitting lines. Default value: false
  • d.dfmt.compactLabeledStatements: Place labels on the same line as the labeled switch, for, foreach, or while statement. Default value: true
  • d.dscanner.compiler: The compiler used by dub when compiling Dscanner. Possible values:
    • dmd
    • ldc2
    • gdc
  • d.dfix.compiler: The compiler used by dub when compiling Dfix. Possible values:
    • dmd
    • ldc2
    • gdc
  • d.dProfileViewer.compiler: The compiler used by dub when compiling D Profile Viewer. Possible values:
    • dmd
    • ldc2
    • gdc

Note: these dfmt formatting options have yet to be implemented in dfmt itself and won't affect formatting for now:

  • d.dfmt.alignSwitchStatements
  • d.dfmt.outdentAttributes

Extension Commands

  • Create Default Tasks: creates a default tasks.json file for VSCode containing standard dub tasks such as build, run, test and clean
  • Run Dfix: runs dfix on either the currently opened files or the entire workspace
  • See Program Profile: runs d-profile-viewer and displays the profiling results as a HTML page
  • Init Package: creates a new dub package in the current directory
  • Fetch Package: fetches a dub package
  • Remove Package: removes a dub package
  • Upgrade Package Dependencies: upgrade a package's dependencies
  • Convert Dub File Format: converts dub.json to SDL format or dub.sdl to JSON format
  • Dustmite: tries to build the project and sends the compiler output to Dustmite
  • Install Tools: shows tools that can be installed automatically

Commands in the Dlang Actions group are meant for automatic problem fixing.

Manual installation

You have to install the SDLang extension in order to get dlang-vscode to work (it is an extension depency).

git clone
git checkout development # if you want to install the latest development version
cd dlang-vscode
npm install
vsce package
code dlang-<version>.vsix


  • Error when building tools at extension startup: some tools don't compile with the latest DMD versions. Solutions:
    • Setting the d.*.compiler user options to ldc2 or gdc
    • Downgrading your version of DMD to 2.071.x
    • Disabling the tool that doesn't compile with*
  • Currently, the latest stable versions of some tools used are quite old and may have some bugs that have only been fixed in the git HEAD version.


  • Code coverage
  • GC profiling
  • Range formatting
  • Symbol highlighting/renaming

Original code

This extension derives from the original TextMate bundle for D located here