- Java 6 or more.
- Apache Solr 4
- Play! Framework 2
- escribicenso/ - Program to populate the .dbf files into the Solr index developed in Java.
- c4hfrontend/ - UI to see the indexes by using a web application, developed on Scala and Play! Framework.
- solr-index/ - Indexes configurated.
Download the Play! Framework from here http://downloads.typesafe.com/play/2.2.1/play-2.2.1.zip and unzip it in the folder that you want:
Put the folowing in the .bashrc file in your home folder to have the play! command available (Only for Linux systems):
export PATH=$PATH:/relativePath/to/play
Check if it's working OK by executing this command (a help text should appear):
$ play help
To transform a Play application into a working Eclipse project, use the eclipse command in the 'c4hfrontend' folder:
a) without the source jars:
$ eclipse
b )if you want to grab the available source jars (this will take longer and it’s possible a few sources might be missing):
$ eclipse with-source=true
If you want to use another IDE (like IntelliJ or Netbeans), following this link: http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.2.x/IDE
First, you need to run your Solr Server. To do this, please go to your Solr instalation and execute the following command:
$ java -Dsolr.solr.home={PATH_TO_REPO}/solr-index/ -jar start.jar
After install Play!, go to {PATH_TO_REPO}/c4hfrontend and execute the following command:
$ play
On the play console execute the run command to start the web server:
[c4hfrontend] $ run
- Apache Solr: http://lucene.apache.org/solr/
- PlayFramework: http://www.playframework.com/
- Scala IDE: http://scala-ide.org/
- Ajax-Solr: https://github.com/evolvingweb/ajax-solr