MerAuctions is an online live auction portal where users can register for multiple auction and submit bids to buy a product. When the auction ends, the bidder who chose the highest value is declared the winner.
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install [email protected]
mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf --fork
ps -ef | grep mongod #check if mongodb is working
go run cmd/auctions/merauctions.go --mongodb-url=mongodb://localhost:27017/testing --database=testing
- If you want to populate initial data you can run
cd server/seed-data/ && go run seeddb.go
- Materialize CSS
- jQuery
- Go templates
- ginkgo
- MongoDB
- Kubernetes
- CircleCI
- Docker
- Sellers can start new auctions
- Tags and Description auto generation
- Search based on tags
- Rewards system for bidding
- Get public URL for images uploaded by users
- Connection with remote CAP-THAT-PIC server
- Poor MongoDB support for GoLang
- Personalized Dashboard : Recommendations based on user’s interests
- User Profile
- Trending Auctions
- Google Signup
- Filters (Base Price, End Time, etc.)
Please refer to the StyleGuide here