Is a web app written in Go to register short term stays of clients. Thanks to Alex Edwards for writing the fantastic book "Let's Go".
Use makefile commands, e.g. make run.
make build
will create the binary in /tmp/bin
make migrations/create name=SOMENAME
will create a new migrations file with SOMENAME.
make migrations/up
will apply migrations
You can move the binary to another folder, but make sure to copy the /tls folder and the sqlite.db to the same folder, before you execute the binary. Otherwise it will not find the certificates and database. Run the binary with filename(.exe) >> logfile.log to redirect messages and append to file.
It uses the package, a cgo-free port of SQLite, for easy building the app in Windows.
make migrations/up
to create an empty database or use provided empty database- build/run application
- create user accounts for social worker and other staff
- enter clients and stays
Note: When adding a new stay of a client, a social worker is required. An appointment date/time can be added.