Language and framework for developing high performance computational pipelines.
Please see the Martian Documentation.
The easiest way to get started is
$ git clone
$ cd martian
$ make
Alternatively, build with bazel:
$ bazel build //:mrp
Note that while go get
will not work very well for this repository, because it
will skip fetching the web UI and runtime configuration files, and because this
repository had already tagged version 3 by the time go modules came around, and
is thus not following the expected go conventions for how code is organized for
non-v1 versions.
Semantic versioning for martian is based on pipeline compatibility, not the Go
API. That is, a major version change indicates that pipelines (defined in
files) may no longer function correctly. This unfortunately poses problems
with go modules, (which didn't exist yet at the time v3 was first tagged) which
expect version tags to be referring to the semver compatibility of the Go API.
We hope to rectify this in v5, but ironically that will force an
backwards-incompatible change to the Go API. In the mean time, if you wish to
depend on martian as a go module, use the git commit rather than a version tag.
Code and documentation copyright 2014-2017 the Martian Authors and 10x Genomics, Inc. Code released under the MIT License. Documentation released under Creative Commons.