- VPC network and subnet
- NAT for VPC network
- VM with public ip (for use as ssh-proxy)
- Service account (for terraform and instance group)
Replace with yours:
- cloud_id and folder_id
- service_account_key_file and service_account_id
- subnet_ids
- ip_address (also in kubeadm-config.yaml)
- ssh-keys (also in cloud-init-k8s-prerequisites.yaml)
Connect to VMs:
- ssh -J ssh-proxy almalinux@k8s-control-1
- ssh -J ssh-proxy almalinux@k8s-worker-1
- ssh -J ssh-proxy almalinux@k8s-worker-2
- ssh -J ssh-proxy almalinux@k8s-worker-3
After install:
- kubectl create secret docker-registry dockerhub --docker-server= --docker-username= --docker-password= --docker-email=
- kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "dockerhub"}]}'