Creates a shortcode ( [md url="..."]
) that inserts an external Markdown-formatted file into a page or post. The external file's URL must be publicly accessible (so, as of March 2017, not Dropbox any more).
Uses John Gruber's Markdown and Michael Fortin's PHP Markdown. Many thanks to these individuals and to all who assisted them on these projects.
NOTE: This plugin is so far not compatible with Jetpack's Markdown feature. It does work with the WP-MArkdown plugin but for other Markdown plugins, activator beware.
- Upload the plugin directory to
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- For now, I'm including CSS for the embedded content. You may comment the line in 'dropbox-markdown.php' that enqueues the style if you don't want it.
Does the external content inserted by this plugin's shortcode get transferred to the WordPress site's database?
No. The content shown is only displayed, but not contained, in the preview or published page or post where you use the shortcode. If the external file is moved, renamed or deleted, no content will be displayed on the WordPress site.
No, since March 2017 Dropbox no longer offers public access of files. However, any public Markdown-formatted file residing at a URL will work.
Legacy. Props to past usefulness. Laziness. Pick any three.
See John Gruber's Markdown Overview and Syntax documentation for help with Markdown formatting. See Michael Fortin's discussion and information regarding his port of Markdown to PHP.
How can I style, or stop the plugin from styling, the content that is inserted?
The plugin wraps the inserted content in a div
with a class of markdown-block
. For now, I'm including CSS for the embedded content. Comment out the line in 'dropbox-markdown.php' that enqueues the style if you don't want it and use your own CSS.