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Bash library for doing things over SSH. The simplest Ansible alternative ever!


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Remotely: A bash library for doing things over SSH.

Remotely is a tiny alternative to enterprise configuration management tools like Ansible and Puppet. I’ve designed it for my personal use case, which is managing a small personal server with some self-hosted services. Remotely is focused on simplicity and the unix philosophy instead of scalability.

To configure a server you “just write a shell script”; Remotely simply provides a few extra functions that make it really easy to upload files and run remote commands.


source # Load Remotely
remotely_go # Establish an SSH to $REMOTELY_HOST

upload /etc/nginx # Rsync files from local directory ./files/etc/nginx to remote /etc/nginx
remotely apt-get install -y nginx # Run a remote command

Now you know why it’s named “Remotely” – not to sound like a hip startup (because it’s not), but because running a command on the remote machine is as simple as prefixing it with remotely.

Key features:

  • “Playbooks” are just shell scripts.
  • It’s a bash library with less than 200 lines of code. Not a framework.
  • rsync for uploading files.
  • m4 for templating.
  • Fast, agentless, and with “ssh pipelining” (control sockets).

This README is the documentation for Remotely, but is written more like a blog post. If you prefer to learn by example, check out my personal server configuration or the server configuration I manage for a club at my university, both of which are managed entirely with Remotely.

Getting Started

I’ll quickly cover the basics of using Remotely to setup shadowsocks-libev, a high performance proxy server which is often used to bypass the Great Firewall of China, hide network traffic from IT at work, etc.

Let’s start writing a Bash script that will setup shadowsocks-libev on a server of our choice.


Remotely will not work in shells other than Bash. Next up, let’s set up an environment variable to tell Remotely how to connect to our server:

You should connect to the target server as root, then de-escalate priviliges on a per-command basis as necessary. If your server has a special SSH configuration (such as a custom port), you can use REMOTELY_SSH_OPTIONS=-p 2222, for example. Now let’s load Remotely:


This implies how you “install” Remotely: Just copy next to your script. You could also add this repository as a Git submodule then source remotely/

remotely_go establishes an SSH connection, which will be reused throughout the rest of the script to maximize performance. remotely_go also processes file templates, which I’ll talk about later.

remotely apt-get install -y shadowsocks-libev

Here’s where the magic starts! Any command preceded by remotely will be run on the remote host.

remotely systemctl start shadowsocks-libev
remotely systemctl enable shadowsocks-libev

At this point, the script would work. However, you’ll almost always want to configure Shadowsocks before usage, to set a password if for no other reason. Let’s create a files/etc/shadowsocks-libev/config.json relative to our script:

    "password":"top sekrit",

Now, let’s upload this configuration file, by inserting the following line before the systemd calls:

upload /etc/shadowsocks-libev/config.json

The upload command uses rsync to upload the given file from the local files/ directory to the same spot on the remote machine. Additionally, we should change systemctl start to systemctl restart so that if we change the configuration and re-run the script, the new configuration takes effect.

There’s one more important problem with this example: We hardcoded password and local_address into the configuration file. It’s likely that if we wanted to use our script on multiple servers, we’d want to use different values for these configuration options. There’s also a security aspect: If you want to host your script on Github, you’d better redact these options. Let’s create a new file, which you can call anything, but which I’ll call

export [email protected]
export SS_PASSWORD='top sekrit'

We won’t commit to version control, and we will always source before executing our main script. Now, how do we get those variables into config.json? Simple: Rename config.json as config.json.m4, and then use some macros:


The m4_getenv_req macro is defined by Remotely. It looks for an environment variable with the given name, and if it’s not found, signals an error. When remotely_go runs, it looks at all .m4 files in the files/ tree, processes m4 macros in them, and puts the output into a temporary folder, with the .m4 part of the name removed. That’s all! m4_getenv and m4_getenv_req are the macros you’ll probably use most often, but you can use any m4 macros you want (it’s turing complete). The m4 manual is an excellent place to start learning about m4.

Advanced Usage

Passing extra rsync options

Any options given to upload after the name of the file are passed to rsync. For instance, upload /home/good-boi -og --chown good-boi:good-boi will upload the folder with ownership to good-boi instead of root.

Using Makefiles for complex tasks

Remotely is convenient when the commands you’re running are inherently idempotent. For example, running apt-get install on a package that’s already installed is no big deal; it will exit as soon as it discovers the package is installed and does not signal any error. Certain more complex tasks are not so convenient to automate with shell scripting alone. For instance, on my personal server, I run Navidrome, a music server. Navidrome is not in the Debian repositories, so I need to download a .tar.gz, extract its contents, and then move the executable to /usr/local/bin. It’s easy to make this work in Bash, but it probably won’t be super fast when executed the second time; if you just use curl and tar, then your script will re-download the release and re-extract it, even if it’s already installed! You could check explicitly whether Navidrome was downloaded or extracted previously, but then your code gets messy and hard to test. Instead, you can create a Makefile, say in files/build/navidrome/Makefile:

navidrome_dir := navidrome-$(NAVIDROME_VERSION)
navidrome_tar := navidrome-$(NAVIDROME_VERSION).tar.gz
navidrome_url :=$(NAVIDROME_VERSION)/navidrome_$(NAVIDROME_VERSION)_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz

# Copy the Navidrome executable to the PATH
/usr/local/bin/navidrome: $(navidrome_dir)/navidrome
    install $< $@

# Extract the Navidrome tarball
$(navidrome_dir)/navidrome: $(navidrome_tar)
    mkdir -p $(navidrome_dir)
    tar xaf $(navidrome_tar) -C $(navidrome_dir)
    touch $@ # modification time

# Download the Navidrome tarball
    curl -Lo $@ '$(navidrome_url)'

Then, in my script, I simply upload this Makefile then run remotely make -C /build/navidrome NAVIDROME_VERSION=0.14.0, which leaves the artifacts in /build/navidrome to speed up the next run.

Splitting up your code

remotely_go has no effect if run multiple times. Thus, one Remotely script can source another, and it will re-use the same ssh connection and file tree. If you don’t desire this, call the subscript in a new process, using bash or by executing the script directly.

The way I structure my own scripts is that I have a whole bunch of self-contained files which can be executed directly, named to install shadowsocks, to setup Wireguard and iptables, etc. These each source and remotely_go. Then, I have a which source-s each of the sub-files. This setup allows me to quickly update the configuration for small parts of my server at a time, while also allowing me to easily re-run the whole thing.

To re-use something across many scripts, put it into a Bash function in a file that you can source from elsewhere.

SSH Word Splitting

By default, ssh handles word splitting in a way that you probably don’t want: All its command line arguments are joined with a space, then sent to the remote shell, where they’re re-parsed. A command like ssh [email protected] cat "'my file" " name'" will be sent to the server as the string cat 'my file name', and thus will print the content of the file named “my file name”. On the other hand, executing cat "'my file" " name" locally would concatenate the file named “my file” with the file named ” name”. This behavior is justified because ssh is meant to be shell-agnostic, but most modern servers use Bash or similar, which makes this behavior cumbersome today. To remedy the situation, the remotely function adds an extra level of quotes around each argument. Thus, remotely cat "'my file" " name'" runs an ssh command formatted like ssh [email protected] "\"cat\" \"'my file\" \" name'\"", and the string that makes it to Bash on the other end is "cat" "'my file" " name'", exactly as you intended.

If you need to access remote shell features, like output redirection, you can disable the word splitting my using remotely_no_escape

Using Remotely in practice

I do actively use Remotely to configure my main private VPS, which I use to host and a number of private self-hosted services. You can find the full configuration at The services I manage with Remotely include

  • Syncthing (file sync)
  • Quassel (IRC bouncer)
  • Navidrome (music server)
  • Transmission (bittorrent client)
  • Shadowsocks (proxy)
  • Wireguard (VPN; restricts access to Syncthing, Quassel, Navidrome, Transmission, etc)
  • Nginx (web server)
  • Certbot (for Letsencrypt SSL certificates)
  • Iptables (firewall)
  • Netdata (server monitoring)

So you can get a pretty good idea of how to use Remotely effectively from my repository.

I’m pretty happy with Remotely overall, but pain points do exist; some pieces of software don’t like to be configured from the command line, or the commands that you must use are not really idempotent (eg, they throw an error if run twice, or worse, perform some unintended action). For example, to create the PostgreSQL user and database for Quassel, I had to use:

remotely su - postgres -c "psql -c \"CREATE USER \\\"quassel-custom\\\" WITH PASSWORD '$QUASSEL_POSTGRES_PASSWORD'\"" || true
remotely su - postgres -c 'createdb --owner quassel-custom quassel-custom' || true

Ew! I needed to call psql, use multiple layers of escaped quotes, and use || true to ignore errors in case the user or database already exist! Further, this code actually even includes a subtle bug: If $QUASSEL_POSTGRES_PASSWORD includes an apostrophe, bad things will happen. A dedicated Postgres library for Remotely could abstract this away.

Letsencrypt & Certbot

Letsencrypt poses a more substantial problem. While Certbot’s --nginx plugin is super useful when setting up a server manually, scripting the interaction between certbot and nginx has always been a nightmare for me.

As far as I can tell, there’s a necessary tradeoff between simplicity in the configuration script and achieving 100% uptime when it comes to setting up Certbot and Nginx. I took the simpler option.

In /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/pre/nginx:

systemctl stop nginx

And /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/post/nginx:

systemctl start nginx

With these hooks in place, I can simply run certbot in standalone mode. Provisioning the certificates is as simple as

remotely certbot certonly --non-interactive --agree-tos --standalone \
	 --cert-name my-cert -m "$LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL" -d "$LETSENCRYPT_DOMAINS"

The nginx configuration can be blissfully unaware of how Certbot manages renewals. Simply hardcode in the path to the SSL certificates.

Backing up a server

Remotely is just a library that makes it easy to do tasks involving a remote server from a shell script. Thus, there’s no reason to use it only for configuration. I also use it to write backup scripts, and have included a handful of features to make backups fun!

  • Automatically creates new backup directories named after the current date/time
  • Uses rsync’s excellent --link-dest option to perform sorta-incremental backups. Files unchanged from one backup to the next will be hardlinked. When a file is partially changed, parts of it that haven’t changed since the last backup will just be copied from the last backup. It’s incredible how close we can get to a full incremental backup solution using a single option on a binary that’s included in many linux distros.

A super simple backup script, which I use to backup all the files in my public-html folder periodically, looks like this:


remotely_backup web-server

backup /home/public-html/ -l

Instead of remotely_go, I use remotely_backup, which creates a new backup directory named after the current date/time, inside of $BACKUP_DIR/web-server. The function backup is just like upload, except instead of uploading from ./files to the remote machine, it downloads from the remote machine into the current backup directory. The -l is just an rsync option to preserve symlinks.

A more involved example is a script I use to backup a mediawiki installation. Mediawiki backups involve three parts: An SQL dump of the database, an XML dump of god knows what, and then a backup of remaining files (eg, images).


remotely_backup wiki

# While sending passwords through environment variables is more or less secure in 2021, MySQL has
# still deprecated it. If this line breaks in the future, you know why!
echo "Doing mysqldump..."
remotely_no_escape "MYSQL_PWD=$WIKI_DB_PASSWORD" mysqldump "$WIKI_DB_NAME" -u "$WIKI_DB_USER" '|' gzip > "$NEW_BACKUP_DIR/my.sql.gz"

echo "Doing dumpBackup.php..."
remotely_no_escape php /var/www/html/wiki/maintenance/dumpBackup.php --full --quiet '|' gzip > "$NEW_BACKUP_DIR/dump.xml.gz"

echo "Backing up remaining files..."
backup /var/www/html/wiki/

This script is admittedly getting a bit ugly, but it packs a lot of punch for 5 lines of code! The first remotely_no_escape command generates the SQL dump, compresses it on the remote host, then saves the compressed backup locally.

We have to use remotely_no_escape instead of plain remotely because remotely does fancy SSH argument escaping (described here) which would prevent us from using the pipe or setting the environment variable MYSQL_PWD.

Next, notice that the pipe is quoted, but the output redirection to my.sql.gz is not. That’s because the pipe is being passed to the remote shell, but the output redirection is being executed locally. $NEW_BACKUP_DIR is set by Remotely, and is the location where the current backup is being saved.


Bash library for doing things over SSH. The simplest Ansible alternative ever!







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