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Plugin List

Mark Polyakov edited this page Oct 20, 2017 · 5 revisions

This is a comprehensive list of plugins in Anypaste, both built-in and third-party. If we're missing a plugin on this list, create an issue




This is a built-in plugin

A simple video hosting site, with support for long videos and large files.

Exact plugin name: streamable

Host homepage:

Authentication: Requires Configuration.

streamable_email: The email for your Streamable account.

streamable_password: The password for your Streamable account.

Configuration: None


This is a built-in plugin

Another simple video site, but with slightly tighter limits on size than Streamable. Still pretty good, and doesn't need authentication! Also supports changing video information and deleting videos after upload. This will usually be the site your videos get uploaded to automatically.

Exact plugin name: sendvid

Host homepage:

Authentication: None

Configuration: None


This is a built-in plugin

Gif hosting site that encodes to videos. Also just supports uploading as videos now. Removes audio and truncates any videos over 60 seconds, so it's mainly good for short, silent clips.

Exact plugin name: gfycat

Host homepage:

Authentication: None


gfycat_duplicates: Optional. Set it to any string to enable duplicate checking. By default, when you upload a video to gfycat, it is given a unique URL. If you set this flag, it will check for exact duplicates instead, and if your video is not unique you'll get the existing link. It makes uploads slower because it has to wait for Gfycat to calculate the MD5 of the file before you can get the final link.


This is a built-in plugin

Simple image uploading site, with direct links and ability to delete photos after upload. This will usually be the site images get uploaded to by default.

Exact plugin name: vgyme

Host homepage:

Authentication: None

Configuration: None


This is a built-in plugin

Even simpler image uploading site. Direct links only, tighter max file size than

Exact plugin name: tinyimg

Host homepage:

Authentication: None

Configuration: None


This is a built-in plugin

Simple, authentication-less audio hosting.

Exact plugin name: instaudio

Host homepage:

Authentication: None

Configuration: None

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