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Navigation SDK 3.4.0

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@RingerJK RingerJK released this 02 Oct 15:59
· 55 commits to main since this release

Navigation SDK 3.4.0 - 01 October, 2024


  • Split MotionData into more accurate parts. Introduced ImuTemperatureData, OrientationData, RawAccelerometer, RawGravity, RawGyroscope and SpeedData.
  • Added unique route ID's after each subsequent restart.
  • Added filtering online routes that are too far from current location.
  • Added rerouting when server unrecognizes current route id to refresh or update alternatives.
  • Improved route completion logic. Completed state is triggered only if the puck is leaving the waypoint or after timeout reaching the waypoint threshold.
  • Signature of experimental EtcGateApi#updateEtcGateInfo function has been changed, now it accepts EtcGateApi.EtcGateInfo as a function parameter.
  • Experimental Data Inputs functionality has been removed from the core module to a separate datainputs module (MapboxNavigation#dataInputs and everything from the package com.mapbox.navigation.datainputs have been removed). Contact us to get more information on how to get access to the module.
  • Experimental Adasis functionality has been removed from the core module (MapboxNavigation's functions setAdasisMessageObserver, resetAdasisMessageObserver, updateExternalSensorData, and GraphAccessor#getAdasisEdgeAttributes have been removed). Contact us in case you're interested in ADASIS functionality.
  • Added experimental RoutingTilesOptions#fallbackNavigationTilesVersion which lets define version of navigation tiles to fallback in case of offline routing failure with navigation tiles defined in RoutingTilesOptions#tilesVersion.
  • Added experimental MapboxRouteLineViewOptions#fadeOnHighZoomsConfig and MapboxRouteArrowOptions#fadeOnHighZoomsConfig to configure smooth fading out of route line or/and arrows on high zoom levels.
  • The PredictiveCacheController(PredictiveCacheOptions) constructor is now deprecated. Use PredictiveCacheController(MapboxNavigation, PredictiveCacheOptions) instead.
  • Added NavigationScaleGestureHandlerOptions#followingRotationAngleThreshold that define threshold angle for rotation for FOLLOWING Navigation Camera state.
  • Added the ability to filter road names based on the system language
  • com.mapbox.navigation.base.road.model.RoadComponent objects that contain only slashes in their text are filtered out
  • Now EHorizonResultType.Type has a new element called EHorizonResultType.NOT_AVAILABLE.
  • Old MapboxNavigation.postUserFeedback() functions have been deprecated, use an overloading that accepts UserFeedback as a parameter.
  • Introduce MapboxRouteCalloutApi and MapboxRouteCalloutView to attach callouts to route lines with info about duration
  • Optimized memory usage in Directions API model classes by interning frequently occurring strings in JSON.
  • Added experimental MapboxNavigation#replanRoute to handle cases when user changes route options during active guidance,
    for example enabling avoid ferries.
  • Added DataInputsManager to allow the provision of data from external sensors to the navigator, see MapboxNavigation.dataInputsManager. Experimental EtcGateInfo has been moved to com.mapbox.navigation.core.datainputs package. EtcGateApi has been deprecated.
  • Removing the ExperimentalMapboxNavigationAPI flag for Search predictive cache.
  • [BREAKING CHANGE] PredictiveCacheOptions.unrecognizedTilesetDescriptorOptions has been renamed to PredictiveCacheOptions.predictiveCacheSearchOptionsList. Additionally, PredictiveCacheUnrecognizedTilesetDescriptorOptions has been renamed to PredictiveCacheSearchOptions. Now, only search-related options can be passed to PredictiveCacheSearchOptions.
  • Introduced experimental traffic adjustment mechanism during a drive and added TrafficOverrideOptions to control this feature
  • Changed Alternatives that deviate close to a destination point are removed before a fork is reached.
  • Added RerouteStrategyForMapMatchedRoutes to RerouteOptions. Reroute option enableLegacyBehaviorForMapMatchedRoute was removed, use NavigateToFinalDestination strategy instead.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed unnecessary reroutes when using onboard router.
  • Fixed remaining alternative routes when passing fork points.
  • Improved updating alternative routes
  • Fixed CarSearchLocationProvider produces NullPointerException when using Mapbox Search SDK.
  • Fixed a bug causing some history files recorded during the previous app sessions not to be uploaded by the Copilot.
  • Fixed an issue where native memory was not being properly released after the MapboxNavigation object was destroyed.
  • Fixed the issue of unwanted rerouting occurring immediately after setting a new route
  • Fixed a crash caused by an overflow in the JNI global reference table.
  • Fixed an issue with vignettes in Romania and Bulgaria for offline routing when tolls are excluded.
  • Addressed several issues that occurred when switching to an alternative route.
  • Implementation of RerouteController#registerRerouteStateObserver now invokes observer immediately with current state instead of posting invocation to the main looper.
  • Fixed UI jank caused by on-device TextToSpeech player.
  • Removed PredictiveCacheController#removeSearchControllers and PredictiveCacheController#createSearchControllers. Now search predictive cache controller is created and destroyed together with PredictiveCacheController instance if PredictiveCacheOptions.predictiveCacheSearchOptionsList is provided.
  • Improve performance when handling large road objects on the eHorizon's MPP.
  • Fixed Routes that origin is out of primary route cannot be added as alternatives.
  • Fixed a crash due to incorrect OpenLR input data
  • Fixed a bug with spinning smoothed coordinate
  • Fixed issue for calculating the trim-offset value for the vanishing route line feature when the current geometry index emitted by route progress is greater than the value expected.

Mapbox dependencies

This release depends on, and has been tested with, the following Mapbox dependencies:

  • Mapbox Maps SDK v11.7.0 (release notes)
  • Mapbox Navigation Native v320.0.0
  • Mapbox Core Common v24.7.0
  • Mapbox Java v7.2.0 (release notes)