A console application that accepts an organization in github and returns the percentage of each programming language that is used in its public non forked repositories
- git clone https://github.com/manosprom/langstats.git
- cd in the project
- gem build langstats
- gem install langstats-$GEM_VERSION$.gem
tests are written using rspec and webmock
coverage is generated with simplecov
and documentation with rdoc
Usage: langstats [options]
Short | Full | Desc |
-v | --verbose | Print info messages |
-o | --organization MANDATORY | Organization to scan repos |
-u | --username username | User login |
-p | --password password | User password |
-h | --help | Display help |
example: langsats -v -o #org#
Due to api limit of github which currently is 60 hits per hour app waits till the limit passes if it encouters a rate_limit error use verbose(-v) messages to see logging
you can use github credentials for authenticated client to get 5000 hits per hour
example: langstats -v -o #org# -u #mail# -p #password#