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DEBS-2021 Challenge Project

Authors: Rafael Moczalla, Moritz Manner Date: 08.03.2021


Git and Java OpenJDK 11

To clone the project you need the revision tool Git and for building and executing need Java OpenJDK. The project was tested with Java version 11. One can install both with the following commands sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk-headless git on Ubuntu.

IntelliJ IDE

This project is build with the IntelliJ IDE. To install IntelliJ run the following commands.

wget -O ideaIC-2020.3.2.tar.gz
sudo tar -xzf ideaIC-2020.3.2.tar.gz -C /opt
echo $'\n# add IntelliJ to path\nexport PATH=$PATH:/opt/idea-IC-203.7148.57/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/idea-IC-203.7148.57/bin

Import the Project in IntelliJ

  1. After cloning the project open the root folder of the project with the via File -> Open.... IntelliJ will automatically detect the gradle build file and prepare the project for you.

  2. Build the project by right clicking on the root folder in the Project window on the left side of the IDE and selecting Build module DEBS-2021. All dependencies are downloaded and the project is build.

  3. Run the main class to run your code. Open the main class by clicking on src/java/main/de/hpi/debs/ in the Project window. One can run the main class by right clicking into the file and selecting Run Main.main().


Our solution for the DEBS 2021 Grand Challenge is developed ontop of Flink. There are several options to run the solution. In any case you will need to setup several environment variables to run the soluton successfully. An example of environment variables tuning is shown in the following example in IntelliJ style. DEBS_API_KEY=YourDebsChallengeApiKeyHere;CHECKPOINTING_INTERVAL=0;PARALLELISM=5;BATCH_SIZE=10000;BENCHMARK_TYPE=Evaluation;BENCHMARK_NAME_PREFIX=SomePrefix;NR_OF_BATCHES=0 The CHECKPOINTING_INTERVAL sets the interval of checkpointing and a value of 0 disables checkpointing. The PARALLELISM sets the number of parallelisation for. In case you run our of memory you can add additional physiccal nodes to your cluster and increase the parallelisation. A good setup is setting PARALLELISM to the number of physical nodes running a Flink taskmanager. The BATCH_SIZE sets the size of the batches our solution will request. The NR_OF_BATCHES sets the number of batches you like to receive and a value of 0 disables. When NR_OF_BATCHES is disabled our solution will continue to request new batches until the final batchs is received. The batches contain a flag which determines wether or not it is the final batch.

Stand Alone Execution on a Cluster

To run our solution on a real cluster we need first to setup the cluster. First, each node needs to install Flink and start the taskmanager. Additionally, one node needs to start the jobmanager.

A runable standalone jar package can be generated with gradle clean shadowJar. This is supported by IntelliJ as well. After generating the jar we need to upload the jar to the same node as the jobmanager. The solution can be startet with flink run.

We provide for the DEBS 2021 Grand Challenge a script that automates this procedures. The offers a help option that briefly describe the script. A usual usage will look like follows. First, make sure that you logged into each node per ssh at least once. Otherwise the script will no succeed as you are usualy requested if you would like to add the identity of the ssh connection to your known connections. Afterward, you will run DEBS_API_KEY=YourDebsChallengeApiKeyHere bash ./ deploy to upload the script and the jars to the cluster. Then, you can run our solution with DEBS_API_KEY=YourDebsChallengeApiKeyHere bash ./ run. The script will log into the node of the jobmanager and start our solution. The solution is run in a seperate linux screen.

If you would like to use the flink dashboard to monitor our solution you can forward a port via ssh to your loca machine and open localhost:8081 in a web browser. If a taskmanger crashes and do not restart automatically you shoud run DEBS_API_KEY=YourDebsChallengeApiKeyHere bash ./ stop followed by DEBS_API_KEY=YourDebsChallengeApiKeyHere bash ./ deployScripts. This will first try to stop the Flink cluster. The second command will deploy the script to the cluster again and start the Flink cluster once again.


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