###AI Project for the Artificial Intelligence Course at IIT KGP
The base project material for this has been taken directly from the edX.org course on Artificial Intelligence by Prof. Dan Klein & David Hall.
More data, details and prerequisites about each of the sections from here.
Implemented for the course for extra marks for a project submission.
Lame reason, I know :P
It still was fun! :D And that was why I took the course anyway :P
The parts that have been completed are the following:
1. tutorial <useless mostly>
2. search <A star and ID Astar>
3. multiagent <minimax, alpha-beta and expectiminimax>
4. reinforcement <Value Iteration, Q-Learning and Approx Q-Learning>
5. tracking <Eating ghosts now!>
1. classification <digit classification, perceptron and pacman behaviourial cloning>
2. contest
It has a basic 8 puzzle solver given the set of initial positions using AStar and IDAstar.
I will try to complete the classification tasks sometime later if I find the time. Until then, this is the final state of things :)