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A library for building subnets with the manifold reward stack


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Targon: A Deterministic Verification of Large Language Models

Targon (Bittensor Subnet 4) is a deterministic verification mechanism that is used to incentivize miners to run openai compliant endpoints and serve synthetic and organic queries.

NOTICE: Using this software, you must agree to the Terms and Agreements provided in the terms and conditions document. By downloading and running this software, you implicitly agree to these terms and conditions.

Table of Contents

  1. Compute Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. How to Run Targon
  4. What is a Deterministic Verification Network?
  5. Features of Targon
  6. How to Contribute

Recommended Compute Requirements

For validators we recommend a 8xA100, although a 1xA100 could also be used. We plan on focusing on bringing these costs down in the coming updates.

For miners, A100 or H100s are common choices. Benchmarking is up to the miner to determine what GPU works best for their optimizations.

Minimum Viable Compute Recommendations

  • VRAM: 80 GB
  • Storage: 200 GB
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • CPU: 4 core



In order to run Targon, you will need to install PM2 and the Targon package. The following instructions apply only to Ubuntu OSes. For your specific OS, please refer to the official documentation.

Install PM2 on your machine

Download NVM

To install or update nvm, you should run the install script. To do that, you may either download and run the script manually, or use the following cURL or Wget command:

curl -o- | bash

Add NVM to bash profile

Running either of the above commands downloads a script and runs it. The script clones the nvm repository to /.nvm, and attempts to add the source lines from the snippet below to the correct profile file (/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc, ~/.profile, or ~/.bashrc).

export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm

Install Node

nvm install node

Install PM2

npm install pm2@latest -g

You have now installed PM2.

Install Targon on your machine

Clone the repository

git clone
cd targon

Install dependencies

python3 -m pip install -e .

You have now installed Targon. You can now run a validator or a miner.

How to Run Targon

Running a Miner

Before starting or registering your miner in Targon, first you will want to run VLLM serving different images validators are requesting. You can find a list at under the live tab. The more models you run, the higher your incentive.

You will also need to include --enable-auto-tool-choice --tool-call-parser llama3_json and --enable-auto-tool-choice --tool-call-parser hermes for your Llama and Hermes vLLM instances to support tool calling.

Once you have one (or multiple) models running, modify the default miner code to proxy to the proper VLLM instance on each request. Verifiers will include the X-Targon-Model header so that the miner node does not need to parse the actual body.

In the script you will find two functions called list_models and list_nodes. To serve multiple models you must:

  1. Fill this out to respond to validators with any model you currently have available along with an estimate on how many queries per second you can handle (below is an example):
async def list_models(self):
    return {
        "ExampleName/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct": 4,
        "ExampleName/mythomax-l2-13b": 4,
        "ExampleName/Hermes-3-Llama-3.1-8B": 4,
        "ExampleName/Nxcode-CQ-7B-orpo": 4,
        "ExampleName/deepseek-coder-33b-instruct": 4,
        "ExampleName/Llama-3.1-Nemotron-70B-Instruct-HF": 4,
  1. Update the create_chat_completion and create_completion methods in neurons/ to route to the appropriate vllm upstream server based on the model (which is either in the headers or from the request payload's model param)

Once this is complete, you are ready to continue starting your miner node.


Running a miner through PM2 will require the vLLM instance to be running.

pm2 start neurons/ --name miner --interpreter  python3 -- [WALLET_NAME] --netuid 4 --wallet.hotkey [WALLET_HOTKEY] finney --model-endpoint [MODEL_ENDPOINT] --api_key [API_KEY] --axon.port [AXON PORT] --logging.trace

Please replace the following with your specific configuration:

  • [API_KEY]

NOTE: Trace logging is very verbose. You can use instead for less log bloat.


--no-force-validator-permit [TRUE/FALSE]

is defaulted to false to force incoming requests to have a permit. Set this to true if you are having trouble getting requests from validators on the 'test' network.

Running a Validator


Validators are simply run through pm2, enabling auto restarts and auto updates. A validator should be run on atleast an A100, but the larger the better, as larger clusters can handle more models. The machine should have nvidia-smi / cuda installed along with docker.

No vllm instance needed

Validator Instance:

pm2 start neurons/ --name validator --interperter python3 -- [WALLET_NAME]

Please replace the following with your specific configuration:


Explanation of Args

Shared Args

  1. --netuid ==> Subnet Netuid. Defaults to 4
  2. --epoch-length ==> Default epoch length (how often we set weights, measured in 12 second blocks). Defaults to 360
  3. --mock ==> Mock neuron and all network components. Defaults to False

Miner Args

  1. ==> Trials for this neuron go in neuron.root/ (wallet-cold - wallet-hot) / Defaults to miner
  2. --force_validator.permit ==> If set, forces incoming requests to have a permit. Defaults to True
  3. --model-endpoint ==> Endpoint to use for the OpenAi CompatibleClient. Defaults to ""
  4. --api-key ==> API key for OpenAi Compatible API. Defaults to "12345"

Validator Args

  1. ==> Trials for this neuron go in neuron.root/ (wallet-cold - wallet-hot) / Defaults to validator
  2. --timeout ==> The timeout for each forward call in seconds. Defaults to 8
  3. --vpermit-tao-limit ==> The maximum number of TAO allowed to query a validator with a permit. Defaults to 4096
  4. --cache-file ==> Pickle file to save score cache to. Defaults to cache.pickle
  5. --database.url ==> Database URL to save Miner Data to Targon Hub.
  6. --autoupdate-off ==> Disable automatic updates to Targon on latest version on Main if set. Defaults to True
  7. --models.mode ==> Mode to use for determining what models to run. Can be one of:default, or config.
    • endpoint: defaults to This will mimic the manifold validator
    • default: only run NousResearch/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct
    • config: parse a text file named models.txt with a list of models separated by newlines
  8. --models.endpoint ==> Only used when models.mode is endpoint. Sets the api endpoint to ping for list of models. Defaults to targon hub.

Example model config file models.txt


Validator .env

Some more robust settings can be applied via a .env file. Eventually, targon aims to move all settings to a .env file instead of cli arguments. Currently, the following .env variables are supported with their defaults.

AUTO_UPDATE=False # Turn off autoupdate. Overrides cli flag.
IMAGE_TAG=latest # Verifier image tag. Useful for testing new updates.
HEARTBEAT=False # Enable heartbeat. Requires pm2. Set to True to enable heartbeat monitoring.
IS_TESTNET=False # If validator should run in testnet.


Autoupdate is implemented in targon/ This is to ensure that your codebase matches the latest version on Main of the Targon Github Repository.

Validator Autoupdate

Validator Autoupdate is implemented and defaulted to run once weights have been set. To disable, please add the flag to your command line build:

pm2 start neurons/ --name validator --interperter python3 -- [WALLET_NAME] --autoupdate-off

Miner Autoupdate

Miner Autoupdate is not implemented. Miners will need to check the Targon repository and update themselves as new versions are released. If interested in utilizing the autoupdate feature that Validators use, please follow the steps below:

NOTE: This will not be maintained by the Manifold Labs Team.

  1. Import the autoupdate function into your miner script (neurons/ at the top of the file.
from targon.updater import autoupdate
  1. Call the function at a place of your choosing.
    if self.config.autoupdate:
  1. Relaunch your miner with the changes.

What is A Deterministic Verification Network

Validators send queries to miners that are then scored for speed, and verified by comparing the logprobs of the responses to a validators own model.

Role of a Miner

A miner is a node that is responsible for generating a output from a query, both organic and synthetic.

Role of a Validator

A validator is a node that is responsible for verifying a miner's output. The validator will send an openai compliant request to a miner with. The miner will then send back a response with the output. The validator will then use the log prob values of the response to verify that each miners response is accurate. Validators will keep score of each miners response time and use their averages to assign scores each epoch. Specifically, miner scores are the sum of the average TPS per model.

Features of Targon

Full OpenAI Compliance

Validators can query miners directly using any openai package, and Epistula headers. Below is boilerplate for querying a miner in python.

miner = openai.AsyncOpenAI(
    timeout=Timeout(12, connect=5, read=5),
            "request": [
                # This injects Epistula headers right before the request is sent.
                # wallet.hotkey is the public / private keypair
                # You can find this function in the `` file in 
                # the targon repo
                create_header_hook(wallet.hotkey, axon.hotkey_ss58)

How to Contribute

Code Review

Project maintainers reserve the right to weigh the opinions of peer reviewers using common sense judgement and may also weigh based on merit. Reviewers that have demonstrated a deeper commitment and understanding of the project over time or who have clear domain expertise may naturally have more weight, as one would expect in all walks of life. Where a patch set affects consensus-critical code, the bar will be much higher in terms of discussion and peer review requirements, keeping in mind that mistakes could be very costly to the wider community. This includes refactoring of consensus-critical code. Where a patch set proposes to change the Targon subnet, it must have been discussed extensively on the discord server and other channels, be accompanied by a widely discussed BIP and have a generally widely perceived technical consensus of being a worthwhile change based on the judgement of the maintainers. That being said, Manifold welcomes all PR's for the betterment of the subnet and Bittensor as a whole. We are striving for improvement at every interval and believe through open communication and sharing of ideas will success be attainable.


A library for building subnets with the manifold reward stack







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