Half is basically a Java library that helps you to write applications that interact with Hadoop components.
Basically, Half takes care of :
- Hadoop Configuration management from config files, Oozie context and runtime arguments
- Kerberos authentication from a keytab file, a ticket cache or a token given by Oozie
- Debug from your IDE, run as an Hadoop Tool, or deploy as an Oozie Java action with no code adaptation
- Client libs and dependencies management following main Hadoop distributions (currently CDH and HDP)
Have a look at https://github.com/manganit/half-quickstart is the shortest way to learn Half
Feel free to fork, make pull requests and a member the Manganit.com team will review your contribution.
- Deploy to Sonatype snapshot repo
$ mvn clean deploy -P release
$ git push
- Release artifact version
mvn release:clean
mvn release:prepare
- Deploy to Sonatype staging repo
mvn release:perform
git push
- Finally, find the commanganitXXXX repo,
- then close and release manually from the Sonatype OSSRH webui