This project contains exercises for the Hadoop Workshop started on July, 2011.
Count the number of words consisting of \w+ characters.
See WordCountSimpleMainTool class.
Count the number of words consisting of \w+ characters.
Combiner does local aggregation of a map task output.
Partitioner divides into three reduces grouped by
mapper output key string starting with 0-9, A-M or N-Z.
See WordCountWithKeyPrefixPartitionerToolMain class.
Count the number of characters of each lines and each file.
Input files hello.txt and goodbye.txt includes contents below.
hello.txt Content:
goodbye.txt Content:
Output should be:
Hello.txt 0 H 1
Hello.txt 0 e 1
Hello.txt 0 l 2
Hello.txt 6 W 1
Hello.txt 6 o 1
goodbye.txt 0 G 1
goodbye.txt 0 o 2
goodbye.txt 5 ! 1
Combiner does local aggregation of a map task output.
Writable is used for map output key.
See CharCountSimpleToolMainTest class.
Count the number of words grouped by first character of words. Both unique count of the word and total count of word are included in output.
See FirstCharCountToolMain class.
See UserHistoryToolMain class.
Count word and join a link with a link on the word if links.txt includes the word.
See ReduceSideJoinToolMain class.
Input file hello.txt includes content below.
hello.txt Content:
0world Hello, world Hello, Hadoop's Hello, MapReduce
Output should be:
0 1 1
h 2 4
m 1 1
s 1 1
w 1 1
- Cloudera CDH3 version 0.20.2-cdh3u0
Ref. Cloudera CDH3 Maven Repository
Run command:
mvn eclipse:eclipse
If you have created or checked out the project with eclipse, you only have to refresh the project in your workspace.
Otherwise you have to import the project into your eclipse workspace (From the menu bar, select File >Import >Existing Projects into Workspace).
Ref. Maven - Guide to using Eclipse with Maven 2.x
To make executable jar and shells, you can do:
mvn package
mvn -P pseudo package
First one is for standalone mode, second is for pseudo-distributed mode.
To execute WordCount job with hadoop command, you can do:
hadoop jar target/hadoop-workshop-0.0.1.jar com.knownstylenolife.hadoop.workshop.count.tool.WordCountSimpleToolMain input output
To execute WordCount job with shell, you can do:
sh target/appassembler/bin/wordcount input output
This shell script is generated by Appassembler Maven Plug-In.
To set log level of mapper and reducer tasks DEBUG, add "DEBUG" argument as last argument.
hadoop jar target/hadoop-workshop-0.0.1.jar com.knownstylenolife.hadoop.workshop.count.tool.WordCountSimpleToolMain input output DEBUG
sh target/appassembler/bin/wordcount input output DEBUG
Apache Software License 2.0.
- Toshiaki Toyama (@manboubird)