Welcome to the React Native News App! This real-time news application provides users with top news, all news, and the ability to search by category using the NewsAPI. The app is developed in JavaScript, utilizing React Redux for favorite news management and implementing basic authentication to enable users to save their favorite news. Smooth transitions within components enhance the user experience.
Top News and All News:
- Displays real-time top news and all news categories.
Category Search:
- Allows users to search for news articles by category, leveraging the NewsAPI.
React Navigation:
- Utilizes React Navigation for seamless screen navigation.
React Redux for State Management:
- Manages favorite news using React Redux for efficient state management.
- Implements basic authentication, restricting access to the ability to save favorites to logged-in users only.
Close Account Modal: Swipe down to gracefully close the account modal. This intuitive gesture allows users to dismiss the modal effortlessly.
Close News Modal: Swipe down to close the news modal and return to the main app screen. Enjoy a seamless transition back to the news browsing experience.
These swipe gestures make interaction with modals natural and user-friendly, providing a delightful user experience.
- Weather Widget:
- Integrates a widget into the main app to display current weather information based on the user's location.
- Fetches data from the OpenWeatherMap API.
- Provides both current weather data and hourly forecasts for the next 5 days.
|-- src/
| |-- api/
| | |-- newsApi.js # Files containing API calls
| |
| |-- components/
| | |-- Auth/ # Authentication related components
| | |-- WeatherWidget.js # Weather widget component
| | |-- ... # Other reusable components
| |
| |-- context/
| | |-- AuthContext.js # Authentication context
| |
| |-- features/
| | |-- FavoritesSlice.js # Redux slice for managing favorite news
| |
| |-- hook/
| | |-- useAuth.js # Custom hook for handling authentication
| |
| |-- Navigation/
| | |-- AppNavigator.js # Main application navigator
| | |-- ... # Other navigation files
| |
| |-- screens/
| | |-- TopNewsScreen.js # Screen component for top news
| | |-- AllNewsScreen.js # Screen component for all news
| | |-- ... # Other screen components
| |
| |-- utils/
| |-- constants.js # Constants and helper functions
| |-- helpers.js # General helper functions
| |-- userData.js # User data for authentication
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/news-app.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd news-app
Install dependencies:
npm install
Go to utils/constants.js file in the root of the project.
Obtain API keys:
- Get a NewsAPI key from NewsAPI.
- Get an OpenWeatherMap API key from OpenWeatherMap.
Add the following entries to your constants.js file:
NEWS_API_KEY=your_newsapi_key WEATHER_API_KEY=your_openweathermap_key
Start the development server:
npm start
Open the Expo client:
- On your device, install the Expo Go app from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android).
- Scan the QR code generated by the Expo CLI using the Expo Go app.
npm start
: Start the development server.npm run android
: Run the app on an Android emulator/device.npm run ios
: Run the app on an iOS emulator/device.npm run web
: Run the app in a web browser.
- Thanks to the open-source community for creating and maintaining the wonderful libraries used in this project.
- Special thanks to NewsAPI and OpenWeatherMap for providing valuable services.
Happy reading and exploring the news! 📰☀️