chore(release): phd-thesis 0.13.0
editing: Update title to remove duplication of liquid
chore(deps): Update npm dependencies
chore(deps): bump prettier from 1.19.1 to 2.0.2
chore(deps): Update to resolve minimist security issues
dev: Include note on additional errors in readme
chore(deps): Update npm dependencies to latest version
ci: Update to submodule version 2
chore(deps): Update conda environment
fix(structure): Put methods chapter after introduction
Revert "chore(deps): Update conda environment"
fix(grammar): Improvements to the abstract
fix(grammar): Improvements to abstract from reviewer 1
fix(structure): More links to sections in intro
chore(deps): bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19
fix(structure): Further explanation of structure
fix(grammar): Issues described in Dynamics chapter
fix(grammar): Improvements for the Glassy Dynamics chapter
fix(grammar): Issues raised by examiners in ML chapter
fix: Use correct project link for ML Project
fix: Capitalisation of figure references
fix(structure): Description of ML dataset
fix(grammar): The purging of the it's
fix(structure): Remove blog posts from thesis
fix(grammar): Go though notes for methods chapter
fix(grammar): Notes raised on Crystal melting chapters
project(Dynamics): Update msd figure to include slopes
fix(links): Link to definition of non-gaussian paramter
fix(methods): Clarify number of particles in simulations
fix(links): Links from dynamics to methods
chore(bib): Update bibliography
fix(grammar): Clarification of grammar in introduction
fix(dataset): Cite dataset for ML
fix(language): Use feature space for ML input
fix(clarification): UMAP algorithm is for visualisation
fix(clarification): Use of KNN model and performance
fix(grammar): Use correct wording
fix(clarification): Meaning of reasonable solutions
fix(clarification): Cite origin of time evolution.
fix(eq): Remove additional vert bar
fix(linking): Methods chapter to Appendices
style: Space before reference
fix(linking): Dynamics methods to code
fix(structure): Split computational methods in two
chore: Remove unused parts of the appendices
fix(link): Correct page number and link to citations
fix(grammar): Use correct words in methods
figures: Include crystal structures in methods
fix(grammar): Replace more missing it's with its
fix(structure): Expand on outline in introduction
fix(clarification): Purpose of dynamics is to compare
fix(captions): More extensive captions
fix: Clarification of self and full ISF
fix: Clarify that alpha is not related
fix: Make clear the y-label in figure 2.1
fix(figures): Split radial melting into two figures
fix(links): Ensure links are correct
fix: Improve description of jump dynamics
fix: Clarify intent of dynamics chapter
chore: Update figures in dynamics
fix: Update rotational non-gaussian in text
fix: Clarify dimensionality of non-Gaussian
fix: Link to equations of non-gaussian in results
fix: Include details on the calculation of errors
fix: Clarify how the melting simulations are determined
fix: Clarify Turnbull model
fix: Growth rate
fix: Update density function fit to use B-spline fit
fix: Remove informal language
fix: Describe crystal structures in caption
fix: Include description of isopointal search
fix(clarify): Two types of static analysis for structures
fix(grammar): Reasoning for dynamic analysis
fix: Clarify trimer is a good model for supercooled liquids
chore(bib): Update bibliography
fix(clarify): Link structure to jump dynamics
fix: Reference non-Gaussian figure
fix: Define rationale for dynamics quantities
fix(captions): Update state diagram explanation
fix: Use the 4 for diffusion MSD
fix(clarify): dipole relaxation is R2
fix(clarify): Where the general relationship comes from
fix(captions): Include more details dynamics captions
fix(Captions): Expand in the relaxations section
fix(caption): Expand captions in relaxtions
fix(captions): Expand dynamics figure captions
chore(deps): Update npm packages to latest versions
fix: Links to simulation conditions in each chapter
fix: Rotational relaxations and jumps
fix(grammar): Consistency of two-step
fix: Remove material not added in introduction
chore(env): Update pandoc and pandoc-crossref
chore(version): This specifies a pre-release version number
fix: Remove duplicate figure references
fix(clarify): Confusion in literature over decoupling
fix(clarify): Elements of machine learning introduction
fix(conclusion): Expand conclusion adding further work
fix(structure): Move discussion of previous work to introduction
fix: Correct attribution for figure
fix: Typo in figure reference
fix(captions): Properly describe crystal structures
chore(deps): bump alex from 8.2.0 to 9.0.1
chore(deps): Update npm packages
figures(caption): Improve introduction captions
figures: Remove duplicated figure from methods
figures: Improve captions in dynamics chapter
fix: Remove dubious claims
fix: Clarify reasoning for naming model
figures(caption): Improve machine learning captions
figures(captions): Improve crystal melting captions
fix(captions): Improve captions in melting chapter
chore(deps): bump prettier from 2.0.5 to 2.1.1