This simple syntax highlighter uses Jacob Bennett's sublime TextMate pick highlighting and packages it for visual studio code
Recommended VSCode Theme Monokai
Version 1.0
- Imported TextMate highlighting and packaged for VS Code
- Updated comment and bracket matching in package.json
- updated README
Version 1.1
- Added EQ, LT, GT operators
- Added bracket matching
Version 1.1.1
- Added support for ! comments
- Updated comment matching to not include * and ! used in strings
- Added support for Code Folding via !REGION and !ENDREGION (can also use *REGION and *ENDREGION)
- Added auto closing pairs for region declarations
Version 1.1.2
- Added support for SUBROUTINE and CALL SUBROUTINE
- Highlight lines where control-break logic starts
- Improve quoted string identification
Inside VSCode from the command pallet Install Extension -> PickBasic
Thanks for the original work done by Jacob Bennett to get this working for sublime. This would not be possible without his work.
- @mallek
- @jordonbrill
- @itsxallwater