CTO, Founder & Builder with 25 Years of Experience Leading High-Performing Tech Teams & Delivering Innovative Solutions
🔭 I’m currently working on Careera.AI - Next Generation Recruitment Platform, Fair, Unbiased, Accurate & Automated
🔭 I’m currently expanding SharpAPI.com - Precise AI automation, save countless hours and supercharges any app with AI capabilities with just a couple of lines of code
📝 I regularly write articles on dawidmakowski.com, Medium & dev.to
💬 Ask me about Building tech teams and innovative products
📄 Know about my experiences https://www.linkedin.com/in/makowski/
⚡ Fun fact Quidquid Latine Dictum Sit, Altum Videtur
- [09/03/2025] Improving Software Development, One Tiny Kaizen Step at a Time
- [12/02/2025] Simplicity, Microservices & Other Lies We Tell Ourselves
- [08/11/2024] Top Strategies to Successfully Sell Your API
- [19/09/2024] The Power of Hate: Are Your Despises Truly Yours?
- [17/09/2024] Wu Wei: How Alan Watts Taught Me to Stop Wrestling with Life and Start Riding the Wave
- [29/08/2024] Can AI Code? Sure. Replace Us? Nah.
- [19/08/2024] “Will this matter in 5 years?”
- [16/08/2024] Dancing Through Life: Embracing the Rhythm of the Present Moment
- [14/08/2024] ChatGPT is Bullshit: Why Your AI Buddy Might Be Bluffing
- [07/08/2024] AI APIs Transform Workflows: 10 Use Cases
- [19/07/2024] The Future of API Marketplaces: Integrating AI-Powered Solutions
- [16/07/2024] My 25-Year Productivity Hack: Simple & Sexy
- [16/07/2024] Just Push the Wheelbarrow: A Procrastinator’s Guide
- [15/07/2024] Why Most Startups Faceplant: Let’s Look at Some Data 📊🚀
- [13/07/2024] Prisoner or Architect: The Mindset of a Coder
- [03/07/2024] How to Promote Your Self-Made Laravel Package
- [03/06/2024] Why GPT API Isn’t Good for Scaling Business Workflow Automation
- [25/04/2024] e27 Webinar: Innovation without Compromise: Navigating Security and Growth / 24.04.2024
- [15/01/2024] When Laravel E-commerce App Meets AI: Unleashing the Power of SharpAPI in 10 Use Cases
- [15/06/2023] The CTO Tip of the Day: The (Still?) Unconventional Art of Hiring Software Engineers – Show Me Your Code! 🧐
- [30/05/2019] AWS Startups Blog – How BeMyGuest Is Opening a World of Online Possibilities for Travel Activity Providers
- [25/11/2017] JustJoin.IT interview – Polish programmers in Singapore [video in Polish]
- [03/09/2017] Speaker at the TERN 2017 conference
- [28/09/2016] Innovation Symposium in Tokyo / 50 years of Singapore-Japan diplomatic ties, 2016
- [16/02/2016] BeMyGuest as one of THE WORLD’S 50 MOST INNOVATIVE COMPANIES 2016 by Fast Company Magazine!