steps to remove a repository (saving this shit bc im forgetful)
1. clone repository
git clone
cd maicaalmonte
2. view commit history
git log
3. reset or rebase
a. reset your current branch to a specific commit
git reset --hard 27884ee50b6abfb209b33feef3edd89d1e14c0d2^
b. interactive rebase to modify commits in your history:
git rebase -i 27884ee50b6abfb209b33feef3edd89d1e14c0d2^
4. to remove the commit you want to remove in the list of commits
a. look for the line corresponding to the commit
pick 27884ee <commit message>
b. change the word pick to drop
drop 27884ee <commit message>
5. save the file and exit
press "ESC", type "wq", and press "ENTER"
6. force push to github
git push origin main --force
1. check current path in powershell
echo $env:PATH
2. configuration file PostgreSQL:
notepad "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\17\data\postgresql.conf"
3. automatically extracting the required libraries:
pip install pipreqs
4. run pipreqs to generate a requirement.txt file:
pipreqs .
5. if you suspect some packages are missing:
pip check
1. make sure all necessary dependencies are installed:
npm install
2. sometimes clearing the npm cache can help:
npm cache clean --force
npm install
3. ensure node.js module is compatible
a. if you're unsure, try using stable version
nvm use stable
b. check your node version:
node -v
check if the issue is specific to your vercel or project:
npm run build