Install the dependencies for the app.
yarn install
Then install truffle globally:
npm i -g truffle
Use the Muir Glacier Hard Fork
in Ganache as it was the hard fork version used when developing this app.
Navigate to the blockchain
folder and do the following running the app:
truffle compile --all
truffle migrate --network development
Then navigate back to the root of the project and run:
yarn dev
Navigate to the blockchain
# Compile contracts
truffle compile --all
# To migrate contracts
truffle migrate --reset --network development
# Connect to localhost running ganache via console to run commands on smart contracts
truffle console --network development
# To run tests on the smart contracts
truffle test
# Fetching all accounts
accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
# Grabs a deployed contract
hexColour = await HexColour.deployed()
nftMarketPlace = await NFTMarketPlace.deployed()
# Get a reference to the contracts via their address
hexColour = await"<address>");
nftMarketPlace = await"<address>");
# Useful util commands to use within the truffle console
web3.utils.toWei("0.025", "ether")
web3.utils.fromWei("25000000000000000", "ether")
To connect your wallet to MetaMask, copy the private key from one of your ganache wallet addresses and then import it into MetaMask. Make sure to switch to the Ganache network to see the Ether in your account's wallet.
Add localhost
as the value of
in the networks
config in the truffle-config.js
file to work with Ganache GUI locally.
If using Docker on Windows, add host.docker.internal
as the value of
in the networks
config within truffle-config.js
. This will allow you to connect from within Docker to the Windows host running Ganache.
Create a secrets.json
file and enter the following properties:
// this should be your metamask account's seed phrase
"mnemonic": "",
// the rpc url of the polygon mumbai testnet
"polygonTestnetRpcUrl": "",
// obtain the deployer address from metamask
"deployerAccountAddress": ""
Now you can deploy the smart contracts to your network of choice. In this example we are using the polygon mumbai testnet:
truffle migrate --network polygonMumbai