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Statamic Starter

An opinionated Statamic Starter for usage in our projects at Lucky Media.


  • Preconfigured Pages Collection.
  • Preconfigured Bard Fieldtype with few default sets such as Image, Gallery, and Video.
  • Two components added to encourage composable Components such as a Button and Typography.
  • Global Theme settings such as Sitename, Social Media and Footer settings.
  • Responsive Image added based on the great partial from Statamic Peak.
  • Simple SEO Management
  • Favicons and Sitemap Generation
  • Vite
  • Tailwind CSS with some included plugins like:
    • Tailwind Typography
    • Tailwind Forms
    • Debug Screens
  • Alpine JS is used for small interactions


  • statamic new my-site lucky-media/statamic-starter
  • npm install && npm run dev

NGINX config

Add the following to your NGINX config inside the server block enable static resource caching:

expires $expires;

And this outside the server block:

map $sent_http_content_type $expires {
    default    off;
    text/css    max;
    ~image/    max;
    application/javascript    max;
    application/octet-stream    max;
    application/font-woff      max;
    application/font-woff2     max;
    application/font-ttf      max;
    font/woff2    max;

Deploying on Forge

if [[ $FORGE_DEPLOY_MESSAGE =~ "[BOT]" ]]; then
    echo "Automatically committed on production. Nothing to deploy."
    exit 0

git pull origin main
$FORGE_COMPOSER install --no-interaction --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader

npm ci && npm run build
$FORGE_PHP artisan cache:clear
$FORGE_PHP artisan route:cache
$FORGE_PHP artisan statamic:stache:warm
$FORGE_PHP artisan queue:restart
$FORGE_PHP artisan statamic:search:update --all
$FORGE_PHP artisan statamic:static:clear
$FORGE_PHP artisan statamic:static:warm
$FORGE_PHP artisan statamic:assets:generate-presets --queue

( flock -w 10 9 || exit 1
    echo 'Restarting FPM...'; sudo -S service $FORGE_PHP_FPM reload ) 9>/tmp/fpmlock

Credits to Statamic Peak for the README inspiration.