A simple Silex app that demonstrates the integration of the Textlocal API.
Developed locally on OS X running Laravel Valet and PHP 7, this super simple demo app makes use of the Silex microframework (v2) and a two-table SQLite database.
Utilises the following packages and libraries:
- PHP Dotenv - For environment variable configuration, specifically the Textlocal configuration
- Doctrine DBAL - For a very basic SQLite database
- Twig - Front end templating engine
- Textlocal Service Provider - Built for this demo, a Silex-specific service provider to expose the Textlocal API
- Phinx - For database migrations
- Symfony VarDumper Component - For basic output debugging
composer create-project lucasdavies/textlocal-demo-app -s dev
Update .env with your Textlocal credentials.