Generates AWS Signature V4 for AWS low-level REST APIs.
The below example will generate signed headers based on the region and credentials in following ENV variables:
import { AWSSignerV4 } from "[email protected]/mod.ts";
const signer = new AWSSignerV4();
const body = new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World!");
const request = new Request("", {
method: "PUT",
headers: { "content-length": body.length.toString() },
const req = await signer.sign("s3", request);
const response = await fetch(req);
You can also explicitly specify credentials and a region when constructing a new AWSSignerV4
const signer = new AWSSignerV4("us-east-1", {
awsAccessKeyId: "accesskey";
awsSecretKey: "secretkey";
sessionToken: "sessiontoken";
The module is licenced under GPL-3.0. For more see the LICENCE file.
This module is forked from @silver-xu's work in []. Many thanks to them. This fork has some large feature improvements and bug fixes, and has tests.