A package for mountainbikers who use strava to log their rides and want to explore and visualise their rides data.
This package combines several tools :
- a set of functions to get your personnal data from strava api, your activites, gear, segments
- a set of functions to visualise your activities and segment data, plots, maps, etc...
- a shiny app packaging data and visualisation
- a plumber api integrating a trained machine learning model to predict if a given segment is a single track
- all the necessary code to retrain the model
- a set of function to explore a defined geographical area, and especially find single track segments
Strava API is well documented here
uses object oriented programming, implemented as R6 class ( you can read mo here).
You should first create a personnal app in strava following this guide.
You should initialise a mountainbikeR object using your strava credentials using mountainbiker_initializer$new()
In the example bellow, strava credentials are stored in ~/.Renviron
(see here).
my_mbr <- mountainbiker_initializer$new(
my_app_name = Sys.getenv("STRAVA_APP_NAME")
, my_client_id = Sys.getenv("STRAVA_CLIENT_ID_")
, my_client_secret = Sys.getenv("STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET")
, my_app_scope = "read,read_all,activity:read_all"
, cache = FALSE
contains types of streamsworkout_types
contains types of workout
Create github repository, add readme and GPL3.0 slicense and R gitignore
In Rstudio, add git support in the project properties, after Rstudio restart, in terminal :
# Remove the local .gitignore
rm .gitignore
# initiate the upstream tracking of the project on the GitHub repo
git remote add origin https://github.com/longwei66/mountainbikeR
# pull all files from the GitHub repo (typically just readme, license, gitignore)
git pull origin master
# set up GitHub repo to track changes on local machine
git push -u origin master