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Deployable Version

John Edge edited this page Sep 16, 2020 · 5 revisions


Deployable Version is Apollo's unit for deployment.
When creating a deployable version, one should supply a json in this format:

  "gitCommitSha": "df821c0ce4dbacef9c5c79ccf0d4b1a59d150568",
  "githubRepositoryUrl": "",
  "serviceId": "1"

Where the gitCommitSha should be the same as the image it is tagged in (see Image Name Convention page).
githubRepositoryUrl should be the URL of the base repo (where we can find the commit).
And the serviceId is an FK to the service table, so we can know which commit is allowed on which service.

Apollo will then use its GitHub credentials to get the message, URL, date, committer name and avatar of the respected commit.

After a deployable version is set, you can select it in the "New Deployment" menu in the UI.
Please notice, that POST to this API endpoint is open to the world, without authentication (GET uses the regular Logged-in restriction).

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