Release notes - Hopsworks - Version 0.8.0
- [HOPSWORKS-845] - IllegalStateException in TensorBoardProxyServlet
- [HOPSWORKS-850] - Experiments dashboard should be created when jobs service is added
- [HOPSWORKS-851] - Convert .ipynb to .py uses wrong jupyter binary path
- [HOPSWORKS-857] - Spark executor UI not displaying whe high number of executors
- [HOPSWORKS-861] - Deep Learning demo shows "Jupyter not installed" on Jupyter page
- [HOPSWORKS-510] - Jobs, Executions, Users, Activities
- [HOPSWORKS-719] - Implement feature store microservice UI on Hopsworks
- [HOPSWORKS-720] - Add REST API for the feature store
- [HOPSWORKS-721] - Add examples of how to use feature store
- [HOPSWORKS-743] - Python client for feature store
- [HOPSWORKS-744] - Java client for feature store
New Feature
- [HOPSWORKS-718] - Feature Store in HopsML
- [HOPSWORKS-844] - Add ipyleaflet and folium examples to hops-examples notebooks
- [HOPSWORKS-848] - Intro documentation for HopsML
- [HOPSWORKS-862] - Fix front-end scripts