Allows to mount remote HopsFS as a local Linux filesystem and allow arbitrary applications / shell scripts to access HopsFS as normal files and directories in efficient and secure way.
Usage of ./hopsfs-mount:
./hopsfs-mount [Options] Namenode:Port MountPoint
Allow other users to use the filesystem (default true)
-allowedPrefixes string
Comma-separated list of allowed path prefixes on the remote file system, if specified the mount point will expose access to those prefixes only (default "*")
-cacheAttrsTimeSecs int
Cache INodes' Attrs. Set to 0 to disable caching INode attrs. (default 5)
-clientCertificate string
Client certificate location (default "/srv/hops/super_crypto/hdfs/hdfs_certificate_bundle.pem")
-clientKey string
Client key location (default "/srv/hops/super_crypto/hdfs/hdfs_priv.pem")
Enable Linux Page Cache
log FUSE processing details
Get the group from hopsfs dataset path. This will work if a hopsworks project is mounted
-hopsFSUserName string
HopsFS username
Allows to mount HopsFS filesystem before HopsFS is available
-logFile string
Log file path. By default the log is written to console
-logLevel string
logs to be printed. error, warn, info, debug, trace (default "info")
-numConnections int
Number of connections with the namenode (default 1)
Enables mount with readonly
-retryMaxAttempts int
Maxumum retry attempts for failed operations (default 10)
-retryMaxDelay duration
maximum delay between retries (default 1m0s)
-retryMinDelay duration
minimum delay between retries (note, first retry always happens immediatelly) (default 1s)
-retryTimeLimit duration
time limit for all retry attempts for failed operations (default 5m0s)
-rootCABundle string
Root CA bundle location (default "/srv/hops/super_crypto/hdfs/hops_root_ca.pem")
-srcDir string
HopsFS src directory (default "/")
-stageDir string
stage directory for writing files (default "/tmp")
Enables tls connections
Print version
-umask string
Umask for the file system. Must be a 4 digit octal number.