LODA Program Mining using Neural Machine Translation (NMT). Contributed by JUrban and barakeel.
The training data is generated from loda-programs and stored in the TRDIR
export TRDIR=/traindata
cd loda-programs/oeis
for i in `ls -d */`; do cd $i; for j in *; do perl -pe 's/;.*//; s/^ *//; s/mov/M/; s/add/A/; s/sub/S/; s/trn/T/; s/mul/U/; s/div/D/; s/dif/F/; s/mod/O/; s/pow/P/; s/gcd/G/; s/bin/B/; s/cmp/C/; s/min/I/; s/max/X/; s/lpb/L/; s/lpe/E/; s/clr/R/; s/seq/Q/; s/,/# /g; s/[\$]/\$ /g; s/([0-9])/$1 /g; s/\-/~ /g;' $j | tr "\n" " " | perl -pe 's/^ *//; s/ +/ /g' > $TRDIR/$i/$j; done; cd ..; done
Translate back to LODA:
perl -pe 's/M/; mov/g; s/A/; add/g; s/S/; sub/g; s/T/; trn/g; s/U/; mul/g; s/D/; div/g; s/F/; dif/g; s/O/; mod/g; s/P/; pow/g; s/G/; gcd/g; s/B/; bin/g; s/C/; cmp/g; s/I/; min/g; s/X/; max/g; s/L/; lpb/g; s/E/; lpe/g; s/R/; clr/g; s/Q/; seq/g; s/# */,/g; s/[\$] */\$/g; s/([0-9]) */$1/g; s/\~ */-/g; s/^; *//; s/^ *//; s/ *$//; s/ +/ /g'
The folder TRDIR
contains the training data and MODDIR
is where the model shall be stored.
time python -m nmt.nmt \
--encoder_type=bi \
--learning_rate=0.4 \
--max_gradient_norm=3.0 \
--attention=scaled_luong \
--num_units=512 \
--num_gpus=1 \
--batch_size=512 \
--src=miz --tgt=ferp \
--vocab_prefix=$TRDIR/vocab \
--train_prefix=$TRDIR/train1 \
--dev_prefix=$TRDIR/dev \
--test_prefix=$TRDIR/test \
--out_dir=$MODDIR/model \
--num_train_steps=20000 \
--steps_per_stats=20000 \
--steps_per_external_eval=20000 \
--tgt_max_len=180 \
--tgt_max_len_infer=280 \
--src_max_len=100 \
--num_layers=2 \
--dropout=0.2 \
--metrics=bleu \
--beam_width=240 \
--num_translations_per_input=240 > $TRDIR/train.log-tr-1
time python -m nmt.nmt --beam_width=240 --num_translations_per_input=240 --out_dir=$MODDIR/model --inference_input_file=$inp --inference_output_file=$out >> $TRDIR/train.log-inf;
is a file with the OEIS sequences for which we want program predictions encoded like this:
_ # _ # _ # _ # _ # _ # 1 2 6 0 # 5 #
~ 1 2 8 # ~ 1 2 8 # 1 9 2 # ~ 1 2 8 # 3 2 # 3 2 # ~ 4 8 # 3 2 # ~ 8 # ~ 8 # 1 2 # ~ 8 # 2 # 2 # ~ 3 # 2 #
1 # 1 # 1 # 1 # 1 # 1 # 1 # 0 # 1 # 1 # 1 # 0 # 0 # 1 # 0 # 0 #
7 5 # 6 6 # 5 7 # 4 8 # 4 1 # 3 4 # 2 7 # 2 2 # 1 7 # 1 2 # 9 # 6 # 3 # 2 # 1 # 0 #
We only use 16 input values (this is arbitrary) and turn any values with more than 6 digits into "_" . "-" (minus) becomes "~" .
We also reverse the sequence (probably not needed with our current NMT params).
Add a generator with "version": 8
to the LODA miners.json
config. Set the batchFile
to the file that contains your generated programs. Add a new miner config (nmt
below) and reference the new generator by its name.
"miners": [
"name": "nmt",
"overwrite": "none",
"enabled": true,
"backoff": true,
"generators": [
"matchers": [
"generators": [
"name": "v8",
"version": 8,
"batchFile": "/path/to/oeis-loda-nmt-predictall"
Run the validation (if you run in client
mode, found programs will be automatically submitted):
loda mine -i nmt
To parallelize it, you need to edit the miners.json
- create multiple "generators" where each point to a different chunk
- create multiple "miners" (with different names) each pointing to another generator
To limit the evaluation time per program, use -z
option. To allow updating existing programs (slower), set overwrite
to auto
or all