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example expr

Ladislav Lhotka edited this page Jan 11, 2017 · 1 revision

Parser for Arithmetic Expressions

This example shows a parser for restricted arithmetic expressions defined by the following grammar:

  1. exprterm ("+" expr | 𝜆)
  2. termfactor ("*" term | 𝜆)
  3. factor ⟶ "(" expr ")" | nat
  4. nat ⟶ "0" | "1" | "2" | …

The CoffeeScript source code below define three parsers that closely mimick the grammar rules 1, 2 and 3. The parsers not only analyze arithmetic expressions, taking into account the precedence of operations, but also compute the numeric result.

An important point to note is that the rules are mutually recursive – expr depends on term, term depends on factor, and factor depends on expr. Due to the lexical scoping rules of JavaScript, we have to encapsulate the parsers in functions.

The resulting parser doesn't allow any whitespace inside the expressions. This simple extension is left as an exercise.

First, import the Comparse library.

P = require('../lib/comparse')

The expr parser uses the option method: if the plus sign and second operand are not present, the default value of 0 is used as the second operand.

expr = -> term().bind (t) ->
  (P.char('+').bind -> expr()).option(0).bind (e) ->
    P.unit t + e

The term parser is almost identical to expr, only addition is replaced by multiplication.

term = -> factor().bind (f) ->
  (P.char('*').bind -> term()).option(1).bind (t) ->
    P.unit f * t

Finally, factor parses either an expression in parentheses or a non-negative integer (the nat0 parser is provided by the Comparse library).

factor = -> (P.char('(').bind -> expr().bind (e) ->
  P.char(')').bind -> P.unit e).orElse P.nat0

Now, we can test the parser. The result should be 222.

console.log expr().parse '(42+1)*5+7'
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