This workflow connects the swissbib linked data with DBpedia & VIAF records.
Use the installation script in
Use the download data script to load the data:
This will download both the DBPEDIA and VIAF data dumps. So this will take a while.
For the workflow to run properly the following steps have to be taken in preparation.
- Download and pre-process the DBpedia dump.
- Download and pre-process the VIAF dump.
- Download gender concepts from wikidata.
These preparatory steps have to be taken only once per dump.
Note: It might be necessary to update the links of the VIAF & DBpedia dumps.
The workflow is started with this:
The workflow will import the latest swissbib data and transform it into blocks. Then it will
take the prepared blocks from the DBpedia and VIAF and compare each block to the matching
swissbib block. All the accepted triples are stored in $LINKING_TMP_DATA_FOLDER/accepted.nt
The post-processing takes care of merging the accepted data with the existing data and return it as JSON-LD.