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Use React.js as view engine in Nancy.



How does it work?

  • This package compile and bundle the JSX files into a JavaScript file via Webpack when project is built.
  • When Nancy launch, the JavaScript bundle file is loaded into JSPool.
  • On each request, JSPool invoke the bundle file to generate React server-side render result and do some post-processes.
  • The rendered result is returned to Nancy and delivered to user browser.


There are two parts of configurations. The settings for JavaScript compile and bundle locate at Web.config file. The settings for render runtime locate at React layout.

All settings are optional. Pre-defined settings work well in most cases. But you could overwrite them easily.

  • In regards to compile and bundle settings, modify Web.config as the following block.

    Please reference ReactConfiguration.xsd for available settings and their documentations, reference ConfigurationFixtures folder for examples.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <section name="reactViewEngine" type="Nancy.ViewEngines.React.ReactConfiguration, Nancy.ViewEngines.React" />
      <reactViewEngine xmlns="urn:Nancy.ViewEngines.React">
        <!-- put react view engine configurations -->
  • In regards to render runtime settings, add a React component file in your project, then place its relative path to Web.config layout settings.

    The layout component accepts a rendering view and its view model as its props. They will be used to construct the page content, just as shown in the default layout component.

    The layout can optionally expose getTitle and getStyles methods. The returned string from getTitle could be used as HTML title and will be update when changed. The returned string list from getStyles could in injected to HTML head to load CSS files. It will update on the fly when changed too. Please reference TitleLayout.jsx file and StyleLayout.jsx file for examples.

    The layout can optionally define a static property container to let the layout wrap into that component. The HTML structure could be body > container > layout. The container component will be rendered as static HTML elements and not be re-bind on client-side. It is strongly not recommended to modify the default value.

  • It is possible to use a specific layout component for one view component. Define a static property layout in the view component is OK. Please reference Title.jsx file for an example.

Anti-forgery token

The react view engine natively provide anti-forgenry token to prevent cross-site request forgery attacks.

In your view component, import anti-forgery-token as a React component. Then render this component in your form component.

Please reference AntiForgery.jsx for an example.

Debug build

The react view engine serves source maps in debug build for easier debugging. And it compresses the generated code and stop serving source maps in release build.

It determines the process is in debug build only when all loaded assemblies are built with debug flag. Otherwise, it considers the process is in release build.


Check the Nancy.ViewEngines.React.Example project.

Dependency Status

Package.json Location Status
Root devDependency Status
Nancy.ViewEngines.React devDependency Status
Nancy.ViewEngines.React.UnitTests devDependency Status
Nancy.ViewEngines.React.Example Dependency Status devDependency Status


MIT License.