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Homework 5. Cinder API CURD

life1347 edited this page Jan 20, 2014 · 3 revisions

import logging
import pprint
import time
import os
import string
import pycurl
from time import sleep, asctime
from cinderclient.v1 import client as cinclient
from neutronclient.v2_0 import client as neclient
from novaclient.v1_1 import client as nclient



def curl(host, port, action, options = ""):
    buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
    #print 'http://'+host+':'+port+'/'+action+options
    c = pycurl.Curl()
    c.setopt(c.URL, 'http://'+host+':'+port+'/'+action+options)
    c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, buf.write)
    value = buf.getvalue()

class Volume():
    def __init__(self, user, pwd, tName):
        global KEYSTONE_URL
        self.cinder = cinclient.Client(auth_url=KEYSTONE_URL, username = user, api_key = pwd, project_id = tName)
        self.nova = nclient.Client(auth_url=KEYSTONE_URL, username = user, api_key = pwd, project_id = tName,service_type = 'compute')
        self.neutron = neclient.Client(auth_url=KEYSTONE_URL, username = user, tenant_name = tName, password = pwd)

    def createServer(self, name):
        server = self.nova.servers.create(
                    name = name, 
                    image = self.nova.images.find(name = "nginx-proxy-server-cloudOSproject").id,
                    flavor = self.nova.flavors.find(name = "cloudos_flavor").id, 
                    nics = [{'net-id' : self.neutron.list_networks(name = 'CloudOS_2013')['networks'][0]['id']}])
        while server.status != 'ACTIVE':
                server = self.nova.servers.get(

    def createVolume(self):
        vid = str(self.cinder.volumes.create(size='1', volume_type='volume'))
        return vid.strip('>').split(': ')[1]

    def attachVolume(self, serverID, volumeID):
        self.nova.volumes.create_server_volume(serverID, volumeID, '/dev/vdb')

    def detachVolume(self, serverID, volumeID):
        self.nova.volumes.delete_server_volume(serverID, volumeID) 

def main():
    v = Volume('0256081', '[email protected]', 'CloudOS2013_0256081')
    vID = v.createVolume()
    raw_input('Press enter to create master:')
    MinsID = v.createServer('Master')
    raw_input('Press enter to attach volumes to master:')
    v.attachVolume(MinsID, vID)
    raw_input('Press enter to detach volumes from master:')
    v.detachVolume(MinsID, vID)
    raw_input('Press enter to create slave:')
    SinsID = v.createServer('Slave')
    raw_input('Press enter to attach volumes to slave:')
    v.attachVolume(SinsID, vID)
    raw_input('Press enter to detach volumes from slave:')
    v.detachVolume(SinsID, vID)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()

cinder cinder cinder cinder cinder cinder cinder


Since Cinder cannot formant volume, its hard to use cinder api for map/reduce-like application. We have to format volume through command line

$ mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb
$ mount /dev/vdb /mnt
$ cd /mnt
$ touch Hello_World

cinder cinder cinder cinder cinder cinder

In slave, show file we create at master

$ mount /dev/vdb /mnt
$ ls

cinder cinder cinder cinder cinder