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Lichess Mobile

Second iteration of the Lichess mobile app.

How to contribute

Contributions to this project are welcome!

If you want to contribute, please read the contributing guide.


tl;dr: Install Flutter, clone the repo, run in order:

  • flutter pub get
  • dart run build_runner watch
  • flutter analyze --watch,

and you're ready to code!

See the dev environment docs for detailed instructions.

Running the app

To run the app, you can use the following command:

# if not already done, run the code generation
dart run build_runner build

# run the app on all available devices
flutter run -d all

Running tests

To run the tests, you can use the following command:

# if not already done, run the code generation
dart run build_runner build

flutter test


Do not edit the app_en.arb file by hand, this file is generated. For more information, see Internationalisation.


Only for members of lichess team.

  1. Bump the pubspec.yaml version number. This can be in a PR making a change or a separate PR. Use semantic versioning to determine which part to increment. The version number after the + should also be incremented. For example 0.3.3+000303 with a patch should become 0.3.4+000304.
  2. Run workflow Deploy to Play Store