This is an autonomous driving framework for both single vehicle and platoon based on ROS1. It can be implemented both on real-world vehicle and in simulation. Main code is written by C++ and partially by Python.
- Ubuntu 20.04 + ROS Noetic
Before complied with catkin_make
, some packages are supposed to be installed
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-nmea-msgs ros-noetic-ackermann-msgs ros-noetic-derived-object-msgs ros-noetic-jsk-rviz-plugins ros-noetic-serial
For simulation in the CARLA simulator
(0.9.11 used in the code), you should first start the simulator and then launch the bridge by
roslaunch launch/start_carla_simulation_scenario.launch
The initial scenario can be designed and modified in /src/drivers/simulators/carla/carla_adapter/src/scenario_generation
[2023-03-24] The carla-ros bridge is ok, and control of the ego vehicle is to be done.
[2023-03-09] Main code is complied pass. The perception module is not complied at now.