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Bypass remaining public API's and Lunar's API
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levi-nz committed May 5, 2020
1 parent 9c7c307 commit bf53d8d
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 23 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
package me.levidevs.lunarclientspoofer.transformer;

import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.launchwrapper.IClassTransformer;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.*;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.UUID;

* @author Levi Taylor
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,33 +68,26 @@ public byte[] transform(String name, String transformedName, byte[] basicClass)

// Goal: send custom payload with "REGISTER" as type and "Lunar-Client" as value to register channel

// Load `this` on to stack
list.add(new VarInsnNode(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0));
// Byte array instructions for second constructor argument
InsnList arrayInstructions = new InsnList();
arrayInstructions.add(new LdcInsnNode("Lunar-Client"));
arrayInstructions.add(new FieldInsnNode(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, "com/google/common/base/Charsets", "UTF_8", "Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;"));
arrayInstructions.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/String", "getBytes", "(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)[B"));

// Load `netManager` on to stack
list.add(new FieldInsnNode(Opcodes.GETFIELD, "bjb", "e", "Lej;"));
// Add packet with "REGISTER" as type and instructions above
addInstructions(list, "REGISTER", arrayInstructions);

// Create new C17PacketCustomPayload
list.add(new TypeInsnNode(Opcodes.NEW, "iz"));
list.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.DUP));
// Send custom payload with "Lunar-Client" as type and a byte array containing the player's UUID

// First constructor argument: REGISTER
list.add(new LdcInsnNode("REGISTER"));
arrayInstructions.add(new MethodInsnNode(

// Second constructor argument: "Lunar-Client" as a byte array
list.add(new LdcInsnNode("Lunar-Client"));
list.add(new FieldInsnNode(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, "com/google/common/base/Charsets", "UTF_8", "Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;"));
list.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/String", "getBytes", "(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)[B"));

// Call constructor
list.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, "iz", "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;[B)V"));

// Create second method parameter - empty array of GenericFutureListener
list.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.ICONST_0));
list.add(new TypeInsnNode(Opcodes.ANEWARRAY, "io/netty/util/concurrent/GenericFutureListener"));

// Send the packet
list.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "ej", "a", "(Lft;[Lio/netty/util/concurrent/GenericFutureListener;)V"));
addInstructions(list, "Lunar-Client", arrayInstructions);

// Add the instructions
Expand All @@ -111,4 +107,56 @@ public byte[] transform(String name, String transformedName, byte[] basicClass)
return basicClass;

* Adds the instructions required to the specified {@link InsnList} to send a custom payload packet with the
* specified values.
* @param list The list to add the instructions to
* @param type The first value in the custom payload packet
* @param byteArrayInstructions The instructions that will put a byte array on top of the stack, used as the second
* argument
private static void addInstructions(InsnList list, String type, InsnList byteArrayInstructions) {
// Load `this` on to stack
list.add(new VarInsnNode(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0));

// Load `netManager` on to stack
list.add(new FieldInsnNode(Opcodes.GETFIELD, "bjb", "e", "Lej;"));

// Create new C17PacketCustomPayload
list.add(new TypeInsnNode(Opcodes.NEW, "iz"));
list.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.DUP));

// First constructor argument
list.add(new LdcInsnNode(type));

// Add byte array instructions for second constructor argument

// Call constructor
list.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, "iz", "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;[B)V"));

// Create second method parameter - empty array of GenericFutureListener
list.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.ICONST_0));
list.add(new TypeInsnNode(Opcodes.ANEWARRAY, "io/netty/util/concurrent/GenericFutureListener"));

// Send the packet
list.add(new MethodInsnNode(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "ej", "a", "(Lft;[Lio/netty/util/concurrent/GenericFutureListener;)V"));

* Gets the bytes required for packet #26, which is used to "authenticate" so the server knowns for certain
* that the client is Lunar Client.
* @return An array of 17 bytes, the first byte being the value of 26, and the remaining 16 being the player's UUID
public static byte[] createPacket26() {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[17]);
buffer.put((byte) 26);

UUID uuid = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getUniqueID();

return buffer.array();


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