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Advanced Settings

Ronny Bölter edited this page Nov 11, 2020 · 3 revisions

Advanced Settings

Enable legacy login:

This setting enables or disables the default OJS/OMP/OPS login. It is enabled by default, but you can disable this setting to force users to log in using OpenID only.

Legacy login enabled Legacy login disabled
Legacy enabled Legacy disabled

Disable "Account Connection":

This setting should only be activated if your journal has no user accounts besides the admin account and the admin account is already connected to an OpenID provider, because if this setting is activated, it is only possible to create new user accounts after the OpenID authentication process is finished. This is only recommended for new Journals!

Auth Process with enabled connection Auth Process with disabled connection
Select: Selection disabled
If yes:
If no

Enable OpenID user details synchronization:

If this setting is enabled, the OJS/OMP/OPS user details will be overwritten by the transmitted OpenID user details. Currently this works only for first name, last name and email. If you want to prevent users from being able to change their personal information in multiple places, enable this and the corresponding read-only options.

Plugin secret:

This secret is used to hide the unique OpenID identifier in the HTML source code. It is also important for the next setting.

Enable automatic API key generation

It is not recommended to enable this setting at the moment. At ZPID we want to combine multiple API's to build a dashboard for our users, therefore we implemented this function to auto-generate API keys. This function is not useable in normal circumstances.