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remy committed Jun 21, 2023
1 parent e969be2 commit 9552351
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116 changes: 60 additions & 56 deletions index.html
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<title>ffconf 2023 - UK web and JavaScript conference</title>
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<time datetime="2023-11-10T10:00:00">Fri 10 NOV 2023</time>

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<section id="intro">
<p>A full day of eight carefully curated sessions for an audience that cares about the future of the web, and who want their ideas challenged.</p>

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<li>Held at the <a href="">Duke of Yorks cinema</a>
<li>In sunny* Brighton, UK
<li>Eight amazing and inspiring talks
<li><a href="">Inclusion scholarship programme</a>
<li>After party to socialise, network or play
<li><small>* Sunshine 100% (not) guaranteed</small>

a:hover {
background: white;
border: 2px solid black;
color: black;
<section id="schedule">

h2 span {
font-weight: 400;
<li class="break">
<div class="time">
<time class="start">09:00</time>
<time class="end">09:40</time>
<p class="title">Registration
<li class="break">
<div class="time">
<time class="start">09:40</time>
<time class="end">09:50</time>
<p class="title">Opening Remarks
<li class="talk">
<div class="time">
<time class="start">09:50</time>
<time class="end">10:30</time>
<p class="title">Designing as we want, to create the experiences that we need / <span class="speaker-name">florence ohoye</span></p>
<dl slot="details">
<dt class="icon talk">The talk</dt>
<dd>Delight. Inclusion. Awareness. Justice. Reparation. That's a lot to embed into every workflow. Are there ways that we can combine data and research to empower the people who use our products? Is there anything from critical design that can help us work differently? Let's do some design discourse and design better for the web and beyond.</dd>
<dt class="icon pronouns">She/her</dt>
<dd>I always wanted to do interesting things and making them at least vaguely useful!</dd>



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fill="#FFF" />
<h2><span>Back at it: </span>Friday 10 November 2023</h2>
<p><a href="">Get the latest news here</a></p>
<!-- nope, no tracking here today. -->

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127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions rem-details.js
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// // ES6 class

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class RemDetails extends HTMLElement {

_open = false;

constructor() {

const children = template.content.cloneNode(true);

// parent node gets us the button it's wrapped in
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this.details = children.querySelector('slot[name="details"]');

// mode: open - means accessed in user code
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const title ='title');

const open = !!'open'); = open;

get open() {
return this._open;

set open(value) {
const open = value;
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if (open) {'open', '');
} else {'open');

this._open = open;
window.customElements.define('rem-details', RemDetails);

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