Note: I've reset the merge from Gaëtan Denaisse as it brakes some of my usage. I'll review it more carrefully and merge later. I'll also make it compatible with last mysql-utilities
This is a script to keep track of database schema. It helps to check and migrate to a new version of the schema and rollback if necessary.
It uses pt-online-schema-change as backend ( and Oracle MySQL utilities (
- pt-online-schema-change
- mysql-utilities (1.3.3)
- mysql-connector-python
- mysql client
- perl-DBI (dependency of pt-online-schema-change)
- perl-DBD-MySQL (dependency of pt-online-schema-chane)
A new type (mysql_schema) and its provider as been added to the project
Currently rollback the addition of foreign keys doesn't work because foreign keys are not copied with mysqldbcopy see
A bug in pt-online-schema-change fails the example with the world database, see
GPLv2 all rights reserved to Frédéric Descamps <[email protected]>