In this lab, you will build a Movie Directory application that displays a list of directors and their movies. The application will allow users to:
- View a list of directors.
- Add a new director.
- Click on a director to see their details and a list of their movies.
- Click on a movie to see its details.
- Add a new movie to a director’s list and be redirected to the new movie’s detail page after submission.
All components and data fetching are already set up for you. Your task is to implement client-side routing using React Router v6 by:
- Installing React Router v6.
- Setting up routing using BrowserRouter, Routes, and Route.
- Implementing nested routes so that movies appear under each director’s details.
- Use the useOutletContect hook to pass data from parent to child routes.
- Using NavLinks and Links to create user-friendly navigation.
- Using useNavigate to programmatically navigate after adding a new director or movie.
You'll need to use what you've learned about all three topics:
- React Router v6
- Nested Routing
- Programmatic Navigation
Our src
folder contains the following JavaScript files:
├── components/
├── NavBar.jsx
├── NavBar.css
└── pages/
├── About.jsx
├── DirectorCard.jsx
├── DirectorContainer.jsx
├── DirectorForm.jsx
├── DirectorList.jsx
├── Home.jsx
├── MovieCard.jsx
├── MovieForm.jsx
├── App.jsx
├── index.css
├── main.jsx
You'll need to fill out these various files to get your app up and running.
To start up the lab, first run npm install
, as per usual. Then install react router: npm install react-router-dom@6
. Then run npm run server
to start your json-server
and npm run dev
to open the application in the browser.
You'll be adding the routes you create to this component. You'll need to provide the following routes, nested as shown below:
- "/" : Home
- "/about" : About
- "/directors" : DirectorContainer
- "" : DirectorList
- "new" : DirectorForm
- ":id" : DirectorCard
- "movies/new" : MovieForm
- "movies/:movieId" : MovieCard
You are welcome to also create an Error route if you wish.
Our main.jsx
file is currently just rendering App, an empty component.
This component needs to render three NavLink
components. They will be for /
, and /about
. The NavBar component is already imported into the main pages and will only need to be added if you choose to create an ErrorPage.
This component should render on the /about
route. All the code is built for you
in the component, so no further changes need to be made.
This component should render on the /directors/:id
route and is the parent route
to all movie routes. You'll need to implement useOutletContext
, useParams
and <Outlet />
in this component to set the correct director and nest the child route
components with the proper context.
This component should render on the /directors
route and is the parent route to all
other director routes. This component contains the state of all directors. You'll need
to give child routes access to the appropriate data and may need to define some functions
to update state appropriately.
This component should render on the /directors/new
route. Most of the code is built
out for you, but you will need to implement navigation and state changes on form submission.
This component should render on the /directors
route, but nested under DirectorContainer.
Currently directors is set to null and needs to be updated using the state of its parent
route. All the rest of the code is built out for you.
This component should render on the /
route. It's mostly set up for you but will
need to be edited to render user-friendly links to the directors and about pages.
This component should render on the /directors/:id/movies/:id
route. This component is
already set up to render the details of one movie. You'll need to figure out how to get
the specific movie through a mix of useOutletContext and useParams.
This component should render on the /directors/:id/movies/new
route. Like the DirectorForm
you'll need to handle state changes and navigation on form submission. You'll also need
to update the director, which is currently set to null, using outlet context and params.
If you choose, you can create a new component within the pages
folder for our
. This page should display our NavBar
component, along with a
message like "Oops! Looks like something went wrong."