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unarcrypto is an educational tool to depict cryptography usage in zip, rar and 7zip archives

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Laurent Clévy (@lorenzo2472),

License is GPLv3

Introduction is an educational tool to depict the use of cryptography for password verification, headers and content encryption by popular archivers: zip, 7zip, rar v3 and v5.

Tested with PyCryptodome 3.7.0 and Python 3.6.1. Requires Python 3.3 and PyCrypto like

See also this article in French (soon public):

Supported archives format, encryption and compression algorithms:

  • zip (password protected or not, store or deflate, AES128/192?/256)

    • Key derivation (here for AES256): PBKDF2, 1000 iterations, hmac-sha1.

    • Inputs: salt (16 bytes) and password.

    • Outputs: AES key (32 bytes), password verification value (32 bytes), authentication code (2bytes)

    • Password verification: hmac-sha1 (first 80bits)

    • Encryption: AES256 in CTR mode, initial value is 1, counter has 128bits, little endian

  • rar 3.x (password protected or not, encrypted headers, store, AES256) ​

    • Key derivation: custom algorithm using 1<<18 rounds of sha1 and a counter.

    • Inputs: salt (8 bytes) and user password (utf-16le).

    • Outputs: AES IV and key.

    • No password verification

    • Encryption: AES256 in CBC mode

  • rar 5.x (password protected, store, AES)

    • Key derivation: PBKDF2 using hmac-sha256, 16 bytes salt from File Encryption record, with dklen=32.

    • Initial value = salt + counter (32 bits, big endian, initial value=1).

    • First "1<<count" rounds to compute AES 256 key, additionnal 16 rounds for Hash Key value, additionnal 16 rounds for Password Check value.

    • Password Check is xored with 8 null bytes, then compared with first 8 bytes of Check Value from File Encrytion record.

    • First 4 bytes of Sha256(first 8 bytes of Check Value) is compared to last 4 bytes of Check Value.

    • Encryption: AES256 CBC. IV from File Encryption record. Padded with 0.

  • 7zip (password protected or not, store, AES256, encrypted headers)

    • Key generation: 2^rounds iterations. Sha256 over concatenation of password (UTF-16) and 8 bytes counter (little endian). Default salt is 0.

    • Content encryption: AES 256 CBC. Default IV is 8 bytes, padded with 0 (right). Parameters are stored in Header/MainStreamsInfo/UnPackInfo/Folder/Coders Attributes

    • Header encryption: parameters are stored in 'Encoded header' property. Encryption is like content protection







>python -h
Usage: [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SHA1SUM, --sha1sum=SHA1SUM
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose=VERBOSE

>more tests\hello.txt
hello world,hello world

>sha1sum tests\hello.txt
\76d7a5a8d72da80c19acbd0f20f90dabac0c52f6 *tests\\hello.txt
  • Zip examples

    • deflate, no password

      python -p hello -s 76d7a5a8d72da80c19acbd0f20f90dabac0c52f6 tests\
        	password= hello
      	0x000037: central entry: b'PK\x01\x02' name b'hello.txt' compressed 16 uncompressed 23 compression 8 localHeader 0
      	0x000000: local entry: b'PK\x03\x04' name  b'hello.txt' size 23 compressed 16 method 8 extraLen 0 crc efe883ba
       	     CRC on decompressed data is OK ? True
    • deflate, aes 256

      python -p hello -s 76d7a5a8d72da80c19acbd0f20f90dabac0c52f6 tests\
      	password= hello
      	0x00005e: central entry: b'PK\x01\x02' name b'hello.txt' compressed 44 uncompressed 23 compression 99 localHeader 0
      	0x000000: local entry: b'PK\x03\x04' name  b'hello.txt' size 23 compressed 44 method 99 extraLen 11 crc 0
      	 extra: 9901 vendor 2 vendorId AE strength 3 method 8
      	  salt b'95e6ddb92a005af77ab52e00a2d669d7' pv b'd41e' auth code b'77cff0261858eb2c86b1'
      	   passwd verif OK ? True,   authCode OK ? True
      	   aes key b'2e69d2abca00601d0f0fcac4e9586e6266c58dce7b066b93d1de353f6a0ec605'
      	sha1 decompressed OK ?  True
      	 CRC on decrypted, then decompressed data is OK ? False
    • deflate, aes 128

      python -p hellohello -s 76d7a5a8d72da80c19acbd0f20f90dabac0c52f6 tests\
      	password= hellohello
      	0x000056: central entry: b'PK\x01\x02' name b'hello.txt' compressed 36 uncompressed 23 compression 99 localHeader 0
      	0x000000: local entry: b'PK\x03\x04' name  b'hello.txt' size 23 compressed 36 method 99 extraLen 11 crc efe883ba
      	 extra: 9901 vendor 1 vendorId AE strength 1 method 8
      	  salt b'675bd3e4a7bbc1e8' pv b'5925' auth code b'8eca0aa15d90a06c7351'
      	   passwd verif OK ? True,   authCode OK ? True
      	   aes key b'cb94214a1e0c0c2261bed331a971ba93'
      	sha1 decompressed OK ?  True
      	 CRC on decrypted, then decompressed data is OK ? True
  • Rar3 examples

    • store, no password

      python -p hellohello -s 76d7a5a8d72da80c19acbd0f20f90dabac0c52f6 -v 1 tests\hello_nopw_store.rar
      password= hellohello
      Block header: crc 6152 type 72 (marker) flags 0x1a21 size 7  addsize 0
      Block header: crc 90cf type 73 (archive) flags 0x0 size 13  addsize 0
        headersEncrypted False
      Block header: crc b902 type 74 (file) flags 0x9020 size 46  addsize 0
        has ext_time
        no salt
        sha1 correct ? True
        file crc OK ?  True
      Block header: crc 3dc4 type 7b (terminator) flags 0x4000 size 7  addsize 0
    • store method with password

      python -p hello -s 76d7a5a8d72da80c19acbd0f20f90dabac0c52f6 tests\hello_pw_store.rar
      	password= hello
        		Block header: crc 6152 type 72 (marker) flags 0x1a21 size 7  addsize 0
        		Block header: crc 90cf type 73 (archive) flags 0x0 size 13  addsize 0
       		headersEncrypted False
        		Block header: crc 44dc type 74 (file) flags 0x9424 size 54  addsize 0
       		has password
       		has ext_time
       		file salt b'728be58c227f8db4'
       		sha1 correct ? True
       		file crc OK ?  True
        		Block header: crc 3dc4 type 7b (terminator) flags 0x4000 size 7  addsize 0
    • store, headers encryption

      python -p hello -s 76d7a5a8d72da80c19acbd0f20f90dabac0c52f6 tests\hello_pw_store_headers.rar
      	password= hello
      	Block header: crc 6152 type 72 (marker) flags 0x1a21 size 7  addsize 0
      	Block header: crc 99ce type 73 (archive) flags 0x80 size 13  addsize 0
      	  headersEncrypted True
      	header salt b'379475b06e303955'
      	iv b'e3dfe7498ad0faf3325f9ee9283a396c' key b'a002f7af8fc3b153436abb226f298747'
      	encrypted headers: AES key is OK
      	Block header: crc 4cd type 74 (file) flags 0x9424 size 54  addsize 0
      	  has password
      	  has ext_time
      	  file salt b'379475b06e303955'
      	  sha1 correct ? True
      	  file crc OK ?  True
      	header salt b'379475b06e303955'
      	iv b'e3dfe7498ad0faf3325f9ee9283a396c' key b'a002f7af8fc3b153436abb226f298747'
      	encrypted headers: AES key is OK
      	Block header: crc 3dc4 type 7b (terminator) flags 0x4000 size 7  addsize 0
  • Rar5 examples

    • store, no password

      python -p hellohello -s 76d7a5a8d72da80c19acbd0f20f90dabac0c52f6 -v 1 tests\hello5_nopw_store.rar
      password= hellohello
      Block header: crc e5b59233 headerSize 10 headerType 1 (Main) headerFlags 5
        extraSize 6 archiveFlags 0 volNum -1
        extra: b'050101808000'
        innerExtraSize 5 extraType 1 extraData: b'0101808000'
      Block header: crc 2737b710 headerSize 37 headerType 2 (File) headerFlags 3
        extraSize 11 fileFlags 4 dataSize 23 unpackedSize 23 dataCRC 0xefe883ba comprInfo 0x0 hostOS 0 filename b'hello.txt'
        innerExtraSize 10 extraType 3 (Time) extraData: b'02bf2b20ff1e13d201'
          winFileTime b'bf2b20ff1e13d201'
        sha1 correct ? True
      Block header: crc 5156771d headerSize 3 headerType 5 (End) headerFlags 4
    • store, password

      python -p hello -s 76d7a5a8d72da80c19acbd0f20f90dabac0c52f6 tests\hello5_pw_store.rar
        		password= hello
        		Block header: crc e5b59233 headerSize 10 headerType 1 (Main) headerFlags 5
        		  extraSize 6 archiveFlags 0 volNum -1
        		  extra: b'050101808000'
        		  innerExtraSize 5 extraType 1 extraData: b'0101808000'
        		Block header: crc d5c0a057 headerSize 86 headerType 2 (File) headerFlags 3
        		  extraSize 60 fileFlags 4 dataSize 32 unpackedSize 23 dataCRC 0x292f7419 comprInfo 0x0 hostOS 0 filename b'hello.txt'
        		  innerExtraSize 48 extraType 1 (Encryption) extraData: '00030f3e8ecf5188a0ceae32cc0fdfc9ab9980825952411445b8610ccbe6b3eb05b81591179e35245a115c37811683'
        		    encrVersion 0 encrFlags 3 kdfCount 15 salt b'3e8ecf5188a0ceae32cc0fdfc9ab9980' iv b'825952411445b8610ccbe6b3eb05b815' checkValue b'91179e35245a115c37811683'
        		    use tweaked checksum
        		  innerExtraSize 10 extraType 3 (Time) extraData: b'02bf2b20ff1e13d201'
        		    winFileTime b'bf2b20ff1e13d201'
        		  hmac_sha256(password,hashdata) b'de1bf4c31403ca43d8538b4a0fb34fa3c67feffd74b7e2fd507e82b88cc22b74'
        		  AES key b'a9356e422f3d7fcd8a9b851697cda8d96e6741e46a5e443b490dfb8a4ddcee52'
        		  v1 b'358eb01bed0cc6d9e6c4f8fef1b02adf173215e59325f70c788d46bc5b678464'
        		  v2 b'447751b5b3a8d51651d60e7ed36beb70ed0dc8e985a1f6c869bb0917c138d9f2'
        		  passwd check OK ? True , hash value OK ? True
        		  sha1 correct ? True
        		Block header: crc 5156771d headerSize 3 headerType 5 (End) headerFlags 4
    • store, headers encryption

      python -p hello -s 76d7a5a8d72da80c19acbd0f20f90dabac0c52f6 tests\hello5_pw_store_headers.rar
      	password= hello
      	Block header: crc f173e576 headerSize 33 headerType 4 (Encryption) headerFlags 0
      	encrVersion 0 encrFlags 1 kdfCount 15 salt b'4607a33dd66a62ce11fcf92dacaf18a4' iv b'00000000000000000000000000000000' checkValue b'55409bb46375e9a413a092b3'
      	  hmac_sha256(password,hashdata) b'39fda6189123b4aaad1480fc22c25dd0133f904677a80708c7485cc3d2d979fd'
      	  AES key b'955142f8b883fed673d632333a2c2c1d1a9712fa9a0e4bca2cfe47e4019ce6db'
      	  v1 b'7f6fb8f1562eb7838c319412fb3123c4477e0ff45632f3d2492487a5c22974b7'
      	  v2 b'52c7626f5eadd90d3c32bb2d7e72decb2d52a029cbd8fb2016e7e2df88721542'
      	  passwd check OK ? True , hash value OK ? True
      	  iv= b'aeebb6f529dd7e91d39df9512c569eba'
      	  Block header: crc e5b59233 headerSize 10 headerType 1 (Main) headerFlags 5
      	  iv= b'593ddbe07c9a5bd3537b157c0a38a855'
      	  Block header: crc 1cc698ab headerSize 86 headerType 2 (File) headerFlags 3
      	    extraSize 60 fileFlags 4 dataSize 32 unpackedSize 23 dataCRC 0xefe883ba comprInfo 0x0 hostOS 0 filename b'hello.txt'
      	    innerExtraSize 48 extraType 1 (Encryption) extraData: b'00010f4607a33dd66a62ce11fcf92dacaf18a4818141032c342fb3a3ddbc39336cf05e55409bb46375e9a413a092b3'
      	      encrVersion 0 encrFlags 1 kdfCount 15 salt b'4607a33dd66a62ce11fcf92dacaf18a4' iv b'818141032c342fb3a3ddbc39336cf05e' checkValue b'55409bb46375e9a413a092b3'
      	    innerExtraSize 10 extraType 3 (Time) extraData: b'02bf2b20ff1e13d201'
      	      winFileTime b'bf2b20ff1e13d201'
      	    hmac_sha256(password,hashdata) b'39fda6189123b4aaad1480fc22c25dd0133f904677a80708c7485cc3d2d979fd'
      	    AES key b'955142f8b883fed673d632333a2c2c1d1a9712fa9a0e4bca2cfe47e4019ce6db'
      	    v1 b'7f6fb8f1562eb7838c319412fb3123c4477e0ff45632f3d2492487a5c22974b7'
      	    v2 b'52c7626f5eadd90d3c32bb2d7e72decb2d52a029cbd8fb2016e7e2df88721542'
      	    passwd check OK ? True , hash value OK ? True
      	    sha1 correct ? True
      	  iv= b'b95da7f72ec46fc66196cc5de676d6b5'
      	  Block header: crc 5156771d headerSize 3 headerType 5 (End) headerFlags 4
      	Header CRC OK ? True 
  • 7zip examples

    • store, no password

      py -3.3 tests\hello_nopw_store.7z -p hello -s 76d7a5a8d72da80c19acbd0f20f90dabac0c52f6 -v 1
    • store, password

      python -p hello -s 76d7a5a8d72da80c19acbd0f20f90dabac0c52f6 -v 1 tests\hello_pw_store.7z
      	password= hello
      	7zip header
      	  maj 0 min 4 crc aaf19fbc offset 0x20 size 0x6a nextCrc cfcf257a
      	  next = 0x40
      	  header crc OK ? True
      	  next section crc OK ? True
      	property=0x1 (Header)
      	  property=0x4 (MainStreamsInfo)
      	    property=0x6 (PackInfo)
      	      packPos 0
      	      numPackStreams 1
      	      property=0x9 (Size)
      	      size 0x20/32
      	    property=0x0 (End)
      	    property=0x7 (UnPackInfo)
      	      property=0xb (Folder)
      	      numFolders 1
      	      numCoders 2
      	         b'06f10701' 7zAES
      	        There Are Attributes
      	        propertiesSize 10: b'53073d86deae0075b499'
      	        iterations: 2^19, ivLen 8 , IV b'3d86deae0075b499'
      	        key: b'9f9182616d15e57fc1337920303b38b2ea0a592b953e4c5049014f850995e3ff'
      	         b'00' copy
      	        nBonds= 1
      	          packIndex 1, unpackIndex 0
      	      property=0xc (CodersUnPackSize)
      	      unpackSize 0x17/23
      	      unpackSize 0x17/23
      	    property=0x0 (End)
      	    property=0x8 (SubStreamsInfo)
      	      property=0xa (Crc)
      	      crc efe883ba
      	    property=0x0 (End)
      	  property=0x0 (End)
      	  property=0x5 (FilesInfo)
      	    property=0x19 (Dummy)
      	    numFiles 1
      	    size 11
      	    property=0x11 (Names)
      	     " hello.txt  "
      	    property=0x14 (mTime)
      	    property=0x15 (Attributes)
      	  property=0x0 (End)
      	property=0x0 (End)
      	sha1 correct ? True
      	crc32 correct ? True
    • store, headers encryption

      python -p hello -s 76d7a5a8d72da80c19acbd0f20f90dabac0c52f6 -v 1 tests\hello_pw_store_headers.7z
      	password= hello
      	7zip header
      	  maj 0 min 4 crc ae3af28b offset 0x90 size 0x26 nextCrc aff1c5eb
      	  next = 0xb0
      	  header crc OK ? True
      	  next section crc OK ? True
      	property=0x17 (EncodedHeader)
      	  property=0x6 (PackInfo)
      	    packPos 32
      	    numPackStreams 1
      	    property=0x9 (Size)
      	    size 0x70/112
      	  property=0x0 (End)
      	  property=0x7 (UnPackInfo)
      	    property=0xb (Folder)
      	    numFolders 1
      	    numCoders 1
      	       b'06f10701' 7zAES
      	      There Are Attributes
      	      propertiesSize 10: b'5307682473f9408c4d7c'
      	      iterations: 2^19, ivLen 8 , IV b'682473f9408c4d7c'
      	      key: b'9f9182616d15e57fc1337920303b38b2ea0a592b953e4c5049014f850995e3ff'
      	      nBonds= 0
      	    property=0xc (CodersUnPackSize)
      	    unpackSize 0x6a/106
      	    property=0xa (Crc)
      	    crc 08db1a35
      	  property=0x0 (End)
      	property=0x0 (End)
      	decrypted headers CRC OK ? True
      	property=0x1 (Header)
      	  property=0x4 (MainStreamsInfo)
      	    property=0x6 (PackInfo)
      	      packPos 0
      	      numPackStreams 1
      	      property=0x9 (Size)
      	      size 0x20/32
      	    property=0x0 (End)
      	    property=0x7 (UnPackInfo)
      	      property=0xb (Folder)
      	      numFolders 1
      	      numCoders 2
      	         b'06f10701' 7zAES
      	        There Are Attributes
      	        propertiesSize 10: b'530722a6129a1c599906'
      	        iterations: 2^19, ivLen 8 , IV '22a6129a1c599906'
      	        key: '9f9182616d15e57fc1337920303b38b2ea0a592b953e4c5049014f850995e3ff'
      	         b'00' copy
      	        nBonds= 1
      	          packIndex 1, unpackIndex 0
      	      property=0xc (CodersUnPackSize)
      	      unpackSize 0x17/23
      	      unpackSize 0x17/23
      	    property=0x0 (End)
      	    property=0x8 (SubStreamsInfo)
      	      property=0xa (Crc)
      	      crc efe883ba
      	    property=0x0 (End)
      	  property=0x0 (End)
      	  property=0x5 (FilesInfo)
      	    property=0x19 (Dummy)
      	    numFiles 1
      	    size 11
      	    property=0x11 (Names)
      	     " hello.txt  "
      	    property=0x14 (mTime)
      	    property=0x15 (Attributes)
      	  property=0x0 (End)
      	property=0x0 (End)
      	sha1 correct ? True
      	crc32 correct ? True



  • 7z2hashcat, extract information from .7z archives (and .sfx files) such that you can crack these "hashes" with hashcat
  • zip2john.c, extract info to crack using zip hash John the Ripper
  • rar2john.c, extract rar3 info for cracking.
  • rar5_fmt_plug.c, rar5 plug-in for JtR
  • HashCat modes: 7zip is 11600, rar3-hp (header protection) is 12500, rar5 is 13000, zip is 13600

To do

  • convert Rar and 7zip code to use Construct declarative parser
  • extract first file contents


unarcrypto is an educational tool to depict cryptography usage in zip, rar and 7zip archives






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