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Time-resilient expectations in RSpec

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Why does RSpec::Wait exist?

Timing is hard.

Timing problems and race conditions can plague your test suite. As your test suite slowly becomes less reliable, development speed and quality suffer.

RSpec::Wait strives to make it easier to test asynchronous or slow interactions.

How does RSpec::Wait work?

RSpec::Wait allows you to wait for an assertion to pass, using the RSpec syntactic sugar that you already know and love.

RSpec::Wait will keep trying until your assertion passes or times out.


RSpec::Wait's wait_for assertions are nearly drop-in replacements for RSpec's expect assertions. The major difference is that the wait_for method requires a block because it may need to evaluate the content of that block multiple times while it's waiting.

RSpec.describe Ticker do
  subject(:ticker) {"foo") }

  describe "#start" do
    before do

    it "starts with a blank tape" do
      expect(ticker.tape).to eq("")

    it "sends the message in Morse code one letter at a time" do
      wait_for { ticker.tape }.to eq("··-·")
      wait_for { ticker.tape }.to eq("··-· ---")
      wait_for { ticker.tape }.to eq("··-· --- ---")

RSpec::Wait can be especially useful for testing user interfaces with tricky timing elements like JavaScript interactions or remote requests.

feature "User Login" do
  let!(:user) { create(:user, email: "[email protected]", password: "secret") }

  scenario "A user can log in successfully" do
    visit new_session_path

    fill_in "Email", with: "[email protected]"
    fill_in "Password", with: "secret"
    click_button "Log In"

    wait_for { current_path }.to eq(account_path)
    expect(page).to have_content("Welcome back!")


Ruby Support

RSpec::Wait is tested against all non-EOL Ruby versions, which as of this writing are versions 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3. If you find that RSpec::Wait does not work or is not tested for a maintained Ruby version, please open an issue or pull request to add support.

Additionally, RSpec::Wait is tested against Ruby head to surface future compatibility issues, but no guarantees are made that RSpec::Wait will function as expected on Ruby head. Proceed with caution!

RSpec Support

RSpec::Wait is tested against several versions of RSpec, which as of this writing are versions 3.4 through 3.13. If you find that RSpec::Wait does not work or is not tested for a newer RSpec version, please open an issue or pull request to add support.

Additionally, RSpec::Wait is tested against unbounded RSpec to surface future compatibility issues, but no guarantees are made that RSpec::Wait will function as expected on any RSpec version that's not explicitly tested. Proceed with caution!


RSpec::Wait ties into RSpec's internals so it can take full advantage of any matcher that you would use with RSpec's own expect method.

If you discover a matcher that works with expect but not with wait_for, please open an issue and I'd be happy to take a look!


To get started with RSpec::Wait, simply add the dependency to your Gemfile and bundle install:

gem "rspec-wait", "~> 1.0"

If your codebase calls Bundler.require at boot time, you're all set and the wait_for method is already available in your RSpec suite.

If you encounter the following error:

  undefined method `wait_for'

You will need to explicitly require RSpec::Wait at boot time in your test environment:

require "rspec/wait"

Upgrading from v0

RSpec::Wait v1 is very similar in syntax to v0 but does have a few breaking changes that you should be aware of when upgrading from any 0.x version:

  1. RSpec::Wait v1 requires Ruby 3.0 or greater and RSpec 3.4 or greater.
  2. The wait_for and wait.for methods no longer accept arguments, only blocks.
  3. RSpec::Wait no longer uses Ruby's problematic Timeout.timeout method, which means it will no longer raise a RSpec::Wait::TimeoutError. RSpec::Wait v1 never interrupts the block given to wait_for mid-call so make every effort to reasonably limit the block's individual call time.


RSpec::Wait has three available configuration values:

  • wait_timeout - The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that RSpec::Wait will continue to retry a failing assertion. Default: 10.0
  • wait_delay - How long (in seconds) RSpec::Wait will pause between retries. Default: 0.1
  • clone_wait_matcher - Whether each retry will clone the given RSpec matcher instance for each evaluation. Set to true if you have trouble with a matcher holding onto stale state. Default: false

RSpec::Wait configurations can be set in three ways:

  • Globally via RSpec.configure
  • Per example or context via RSpec metadata
  • Per assertion via the wait method

Global Configuration

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.wait_timeout = 3 # seconds
  config.wait_delay = 0.5 # seconds
  config.clone_wait_matcher = true

RSpec Metadata

Any of RSpec::Wait's three configurations can be set on a per-example or per-context basis using wait metadata. Provide a hash containing any number of shorthand keys and values for RSpec::Wait's configurations.

scenario "A user can log in successfully", wait: { timeout: 3, delay: 0.5, clone_matcher: true } do
  visit new_session_path

  fill_in "Email", with: "[email protected]"
  fill_in "Password", with: "secret"
  click_button "Log In"

  wait_for { current_path }.to eq(account_path)
  expect(page).to have_content("Welcome back!")

The wait Method

And on a per-assertion basis, the wait method accepts a hash of shorthand keys and values for RSpec::Wait's configurations. The wait method must be chained to the for method and aside from the ability to set RSpec::Wait configuration for the single assertion, it behaves identically to wait_for.

scenario "A user can log in successfully" do
  visit new_session_path

  fill_in "Email", with: "[email protected]"
  fill_in "Password", with: "secret"
  click_button "Log In"

  wait(timeout: 3).for { current_path }.to eq(account_path)
  expect(page).to have_content("Welcome back!")

The wait method will also accept timeout as a positional argument for improved readability:

wait(3.seconds).for { current_path }.to eq(account_path)

Use with RuboCop

If you use rubocop and rubocop-rspec in your codebase, an RSpec example with a single wait_for assertion may cause RuboCop to complain:

RSpec/NoExpectationExample: No expectation found in this example.

By default, RuboCop sees only expect* and assert* methods as expectations. You can configure RuboCop to recognize wait_for and wait.for as expectations (in addition to the defaults) in your RuboCop configuration:

  - ^assert_
  - ^expect_
  - ^wait(_for)?$

Of course, you can always disable this cop entirely:

  Enabled: false

Use with Cucumber

To enable RSpec::Wait in your Cucumber step definitions, add the following to features/support/env.rb:

require "rspec/wait"


Who wrote RSpec::Wait?

My name is Steve Richert and I wrote RSpec::Wait in April, 2014 with the support of my employer, Collective Idea. RSpec::Wait owes its current and future success entirely to inspiration and contribution from the Ruby community, especially the authors and maintainers of RSpec.

Thank you! 💛

How can I help?

RSpec::Wait is open source and contributions from the community are encouraged! No contribution is too small.

See RSpec::Wait's contribution guidelines for more information.

If you're enjoying RSpec::Wait, please consider sponsoring my open source work! 💚


Time-resilient expectations in RSpec



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