Note: I got a lot of inspiration from this gem and this gem. The first one will soon be deprecated since weibo is planning to switch to oauth2. The second one has not been fully implemented and is still lacking some features (but a nice try nevertheless). Thanks Scott and acenqiu.
WeioOAuth2 is a Ruby gem that provides a wrapper for interacting with sina weibo's v2 API, which is currently the latest version. Check out the link if you are interested in browsing the details. The output data format is Hashie::Mash, check out here. If you are not familiar with oauth2, I recommend that you read this article.
- weibo account
- weibo app API key
- weibo app API secret
I call it weibo_2 because someone else took the name weibo_oauth2.
$ gem install weibo_2
The example written with sinatra in this directory shows how to ask for oauth2 permission, get the token and send status with picture. It should cover basic usage in all ruby apps. You can visit to see the demo.
update: Sorry, the api key I used for this demo is still in the process of auditing by weibo side, it's not available now for connecting. But you can apply your own api key, clone the example in this directory, then type
$ KEY=change_this_to_your_key SECRET=change_this_to_your_secret REDIR_URI=change_this_to_your_redir_uri ruby example.rb
It should work.
How to get the token?
OAuth2 is simpler than its first version. In order to get the access token, you first need to get an Authorization Code through a callback request. Now use the following code to get the token.
WeiboOAuth2::Config.api_key = YOUR_KEY WeiboOAuth2::Config.api_secret = YOUR_SECRET WeiboOAuth2::Config.redirect_uri = YOUR_CALLBACK_URL
If you are developing in your localhost, you can set YOUR_CALLBACK_URL as '' something. Then set your weibo app account's callback URL as this URL too. Weibo will call the URL using GET method, which will then enable you to retrieve the authorization code.
client =
Or you can pass the key and secret to new a client if you did not set WeiboOAuth2::Config
Redirect to this URL. If user grants you permission, then you will get the authorization code.
In your callback handling method, you should add something like the following,
which will give permission to your client.
How to post a status with picture? (or call other interfaces)
Simply update a status
Upload a picture
tmpfile = params[:file][:tempfile] pic = client.statuses.upload(params[:status], pic)
This gem using [faraday]( for connection, which supports ssl. According to [this article](, you can do as following to support ssl connection.
### Ubuntu
To locate your SSL certificate folder, type `openssl version -a`. Append `/certs` to the OPENSSLDIR listed, here it would be `/usr/lib/ssl/certs`.
client =, YOUR_SECRET, :ssl => {:ca_path => "/usr/lib/ssl/certs"})
# or as below if you have set WeiboOAuth2::Config.api_key and WeiboOAuth2::Config.api_secret already
# client ='', '', :ssl => {:ca_path => "/usr/lib/ssl/certs"})
### On Heroku, Fedora, CentOS
client =, YOUR_SECRET, :ssl => {:ca_file => '/usr/lib/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'})
# or as below if you have set WeiboOAuth2::Config.api_key and WeiboOAuth2::Config.api_secret already
# client ='', '', :ssl => {:ca_file => '/usr/lib/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt'})
For Fedora and CentOS, use the path and file `/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt` instead, or find your system path with `openssl version -a`.